Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Violent Crimes Of Rape Crimes Essay - 1869 Words

Introduction Violent crime may be defined as any crime wherein one person intentionally inflicts physical injury upon the body of another person. Some crimes categorized as violent crimes are as follows: assault/battery, robbery, sexual assault, and various other crimes of befitting characteristics (Rivera, 2016). A surprisingly growing issue is rape crimes specifically targeting young female students on university grounds. The violent crimes reported percentage rate had risen yearly for institutions such as Brown University and Florida State University, with a 16% violent crime rate increase, highlighting rape crimes that victimized females (Stennett, D. Hernandez, A., 2013). Rape is defined by the department of justice as; the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. Horrifying stigmatisms are attached to the college social life that leave individuals, specific ally female students, paranoid of being sedated at a social gathering and being the victim of a rape crime because of this issue. These females, in rarer cases males, are often too distraught after the traumatizing event to continue school and may even be at risk of their own mental health. For example, Hannah Stubbs a 22 year-old female student from Keele University, Staffordshire committed suicide after entering a deep depression caused by a rape crime on university groundsShow MoreRelatedPersonal Crimes Paper1392 Words   |  6 Pages| Personal Crimes Paper | CJA/314Instructor Fred Sams | | Amber Jackson | 02/05/2011 | | Every crime has different characteristics that make it a crime, yet one characteristic that every crime shares is a perpetrator and a victim. Rape is a big problem in the United States. Each year thousands of women and men are raped, 17.7 million women have been raped at one point in their lives and 2.8 million men. Rape is considered the most unreported crime in the United States. InRead MoreCrime in the City of Topeka: Analysis of the Task Force and Crime Prevention718 Words   |  3 PagesSummary This report is designed for the City of Topeka, Kansas Task Force on Crime and Crime Prevention. Under the auspices of a joint effort between the following agencies, the report is designed to look at crime from a micro-cultural perspective in a Midwestern capital city: The Kansas Bureau of Investigation, the Topeka Police Department, the FBIs regional office, and the University of Kansas Department of Criminology. The purpose of the data analysis is to provide a basic understanding ofRead MoreAn Assault On The Body And Mind1495 Words   |  6 PagesUnited States, rape is the most frequently committed but least reported violent crime† (Newman 205). 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Adoption of Information Technologies in the Nursing...

The process of digitalisation has necessitated adoption of information technology in different aspects of health management. In the nursing sector, adoption on information technology has led to emergence of health information systems. A health information system entails a computer technology that can capture store, manage and/or transfer any health related information. This information can be of an individual or an organization. Technology has positively impacted the role of the nurse in the health care setting through observation. The development of Health information systems is aimed at integration of the effort of collection, processing, reporting and using the information and data so as to influence the process of decision making,†¦show more content†¦The database also has information about the genetics, environment, and social condition of a patient. Evidently, such information systems are an important healthcare tool that can help in improving the quality of patien t care and limitation of chance of errors. The entire care team can use the clinical information systems to have real time access to all the important patient information. Computer scanners have also been used to monitor patients and scan them before diagnosis. This help to know the possible disease and location of areas of ailments such as cancer cells. When giving drugs, nurses also ensure that each medication they administer is scanned, and the computer systems spontaneously check the scanned medication against the medications ordered to avoid errors (Sublet, 2002). Technology has led to better management of nurses, health facility and administration. Management health information system can effectively help management to deal with challenges in work place. In the work place, the Management health information system application would help to ensure better management, nurses’ treatment and can help promote efficiency, competence and save costs. In terms of provision of tactical information, the system help the middle level nurse managers to do the planning, provision of quality care, monitoring and evaluation of all the health care services. There are decision support systemsShow MoreRelatedNursing Informatics: Telecommunications in Healthcare1618 Words   |  6 PagesNursing Informatics: Telecommunications in Healthcare Name Professor Institution Course Date Nursing Informatics: Telecommunications in Healthcare Abstract Telecommunications in healthcare sector refers to the adoption and integration of relevant communication systems such as telephone, internet, laptops, and other networking concepts in the improvement of services to the patients. 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Explain how these features are advantageous for health care. An EHR results from computer-based

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Oppenheimer And The Atomic Bomb Persuasive Essay Example For Students

Oppenheimer And The Atomic Bomb Persuasive Essay Julius Robert Oppenheimer and the Atomic BombJ. Robert Oppenheimer was a brilliant physicist and known as the Father of the Atomic Bomb. A charismatic leader of rare good qualities and commonplace flaws, Oppenheimer brought an uncommon sensibility to research, teaching, and government science. After help creating the atomic bomb with the Manhattan Project he was banned from the U.S. Government during the McCarthy Trials. He opposed the idea of stockpiling nuclear weapons and was deemed a security risk. Oppenheimers life reveals the conflict between war, science and how politics collided in the 1940s through the 1960s. His case became a cause celebre in the world of science because of its implications concerning political and moral issues relating to the role of scientists in government. Oppenheimer, the son of German immigrants, who had made their fortune in textiles, had the resources available in his family to further his education at a young age. At age ten Oppenheimers grandfathe r brought him some rocks to identify and as a result Oppenheimer became very interested in geology. This led him to study other sciences at a young age. By age six he had the vocabulary of an adult. He could speak well and understood the meanings of the words and where they came from. He excelled in mathematics and was computing numbers at a high school rate while in the second grade. People referred to him as a boy genius. Oppenheimer was from a Jewish family who did not believe in the Orthodox ways. They had no temple affiliation, but did attend the Felix Alder Ethical School during grade school until high school. This school shaped many of Oppenheimers ideas regarding morality and political views that would later affect his life. He studied at Harvard and was good in the classics, such as Latin, Greek, chemistry and Physics. He had published works in poetry and studied Oriental philosophy. He graduated in 1925, it took him only three years, and went to England to do research at Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge. He didnt like it there and left at the end of 1925. A man named Max Born asked him to attend Gottingen University where he met prominent European physicists. Oppenheimer studied quantum mechanics in Europe in the 1920s. He learned from Ernest Rutherford, one of the pioneers of atomic theory; and from Werner Heisenberg and Paul Dirac, pioneers of quantum mechanics. He received his doctorate in physics while in Europe. He and Max Born developed the Born-Oppenheimer Method. The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation states that since nuclear motion is much slower than electron motion the electronic wavefunction, or energies, can be calculated assuming a fixed position of the nuclei and nuclear motion can be considered assuming and average distribution of electron density. On returning to the US, Oppenheimer pursued his study of Diracs theory of the electron proposing the existence of an anti-electron (equal in charge but positively, not negatively, charged) a positron, first seen by Carl Anderson in 1932. During the 1930s, Oppenheimer held positions at both the University of California, Berkeley and at the California Institute of Technology, enabling him to gather together a team of highly talented, young theoretical physicists. Berkley was known as the center of American Quantum Physicists at the time, because of Oppenheimers work. In 1939 he took quantum mechanics into astronomy, proposing that the largest stars could collapse into black holes from which not even light could escape. In the early twenties new scientific theory about the atomic structures was being discovered. He worked on quantum theory and trained an entire generation of United States born physicists. His method of teaching was very difficult and most students failed his classes, but they still took them and eventually passed them. He became interested with politics during the rise of Nazism in Germany in 1936, and he was also concerned over the Great Depression in the U.S. He sided with Spain in their civil war and became friends with many communists as a result of this. His brother, Frank oddly enough was a communist. Oppenheimer organized anti-Fascist organizations and was a known communist, but didnt officially join the communist party. Do to Stalins influence and oppression in Russia, Oppenheimer withdrew his communist support. In 1939 Oppenheimer married Katherine Harrison. They had two children, one boy and one girl. As World War Two began in Europe in September 1939, Albert Einstein (a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany as well as world-famous scientist) wrote to US President Roosevelt to warn of Nazi attempts to develop the atomic bomb. Roosevelt responded by ordering the Manhattan Project, development of the atomic bomb. From an initial budget of $6,000 the Project grew to cost $2,000,000,000 (in 1945 dollars approximately $50 billion now). From a small US research effort in 1939, the Project in 1943 involved hundreds of scientists from the US, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and other Allied countries along with many Jewish scientists who had fled persecution in Nazi-occupied Europe. To head the key bomb assembly installation at Los Alamos was the leading US physicist, J Robert Oppenheimer. The installation was located at Los Alamos because Oppenheimer knew the remote location as a holiday spot to get away from it all. This is a government Laboratory that still exists today. The scientists succeeded. On 16 July, 1945 the Project team exploded the first test bomb at Alamogordo, 400 km south of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The explosion was equal to 20,000 tons of TNT. Oppenheimer said, I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds. Oppenheimer was working on the separation of Uranium-235. People like Edward Teller, Hans Bethe, Enrico Fermi, Seth Neddermeyer, and John von Nuemann were just a few of the people that came to Los Alamos. Richard Feynman also worked for Oppenheimer there. Heading up the project for the military side was General Leslie R. Groves. Grooves choose Oppenheimer, because he was an effective organizer at Los Alamos due to his ability to quickly understand scientific ideas and his personal charisma was unmatchable. Oppenheimer welcomed the chance to support the war effort and to finally play a major role in the scientific world. And he found the project technically sweet. People marveled at how he seemed to understand any concept instantly. Almost everyon e considered him to be their intellectual superior. He had the greatest memory anyone had ever seen. He seemed to keep all aspects of the Manhattan Project in his head, along with an impressive knowledge of the arts and literature. In 1945 they succeeded in getting a developed bomb. On 6 August, 1945 the people of Hiroshima, and three days later the people of Nagasaki, felt the force of Oppenheimers words. Six days later the Japanese surrendered and the War was over. Development of atomic weapons was not. Oppenheimer resigned in October, 1945. A valuable lesson in history would be learned in time over this incident. The physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge they cannot lose, J Robert Oppenheimer, 1947. Germany surrendered that same year. He became Head of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton University. He also was on the committee for the Atomic Energy Commission. In 1949 he opposed the use of a newly developed Hydrogen Bomb. Oppenheimer served as Chairman o f the General Advisory Committee of the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) from 1947 to 1952. After the Russians exploded their own bomb in 1948, Edward Tellar, one of Oppenheimers former Manhattan Project scientists, proposed the US develop the Super, the hydrogen bomb. Oppenheimer and the General Advisory Committee opposed it. Atomic bombs were powerful enough. At the time Senator Joe McCarthy led the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities in a witch-hunt to expose all the Communist Americans threatening national security not only in Government but anywhere, even in Hollywood (some film directors and screen writers were blacklisted and could not work there for many years). Oppenheimer became suspect because of his opposition to the Super and because members of his family were alleged to have Communist sympathies. He was tried by a security hearing but found Not Guilty of Treason. Nevertheless, in 1953, President Eisenhower dismissed Oppenheimer, blacklisting him to deny him any g overnment work. Scientists around the world protested about his trial, but to no avail. Individuality in 20th Century EssayOppenheimer resembled Just and Feynman in many ways. He most mimicked their scientific style through the political and non-scientific factors. Oppenheimer and Feynman were both Jewish. Because of this they both faced an initial prejudice do to their religion. Just was a black scientist so he had an initial prejudice placed on him. They all faced a barrier at the beginning of their scientific careers. Just could never clear the racist hurdle, because the trend in American was to neglect minorities at this time. A black scientist in American that could possibly be well respected was unheard of. Just became bitter at the American system of science and left for Europe. Unlike Oppenheimer and Feynman, they stayed and cleared their initial prejudice hurdle. Once they cleared it they were accepted. Oppenheimer was so intelligent people were mystified and afraid of his intellect they accepted him as a brilliant scientist. Feynman also was like this; he wa s very intelligent and proved to his colleagues that he was capable of greater achievements. Both of these men frightened their colleagues with their capacitance for knowledge. Just couldnt be accepted as a person. His colleagues accepted him as a scientist, but his family was shunned from the community in which he lived. Feynman and Oppenheimer were accepted as people and scientists. Just was just a scientist to be exposed by his colleagues as a black wonder, not a human being. Oppenheimer was a trusting husband to his wife Katherine. Unlike Just who was a womanizer that had various affairs with white women in Europe. For a Black man this was seen as a huge mistake in the United States. He could have been lynched or killed in a hideous display of murder. Feynman had a wife, but liked to flirt with other women. He was a typical womanizer, but still had a somewhat faithful relationship with his wife. Oppenheimer had moral support from his wife like Just and Feynman. In all these case s having women in their lives made their science better. Oppenheimer had willingly dedcided to work for the government. He did not know that his discoveries would be used in a negative way. He knew he was building a bomb and thought that nuclear war was evitable, but wanted to work out peace agreements instead of fighting. Oppenheimer had moral problems with the expansion of the bomb and he felt uncomfortable being known as the father of the atomic bomb. Just worked for a government laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. He did his own work and research to benefit his knowledge. He really didnt care how his science was used in practical application; he just wanted acceptance. Many of his embryology ideas became in common use. Feynman worked with Oppenheimer at Los Alomos Laboratory on the bomb project. He felt guilty about what he had done, but not to the point that Oppenheimer felt. Feynman liked his work their, but felt like his career didnt mean anything after the bomb project. There wasnt a challenge that excited him after the Manhat tan Project. Basically, Oppenheimer realized that his knowledge was being used for corrupted purposes and didnt like it. Therefore he was tried as a communist during the McCarthy Trials. Feynman missed the challenge of the science he was doing. He too conversed with known communist spies, but he didnt know it personally. Feynman was sneaking around all the time writing coded messages and doing weird things. He would get away on weekends with the aid of an Englishmen named Fukes. He turned out to be a communist spy, without anyone ever knowing about it. Feynman didnt mind the work and why he was doing it. He saw it as a challenging job. Oppenheimer realized what he was doing and disagreed with the moral justification of it. So Feynman and Oppenheimer were very similar in their political behaviors in unrelated ways. Just wanted a fair shake in life and became so angry with the system he left the country and didnt want to come back to it. He would have liked his ideas to be used on a w ide scale and have them accepted. Just had to deal with people back stabbing him in order to debauch his theories and ideas. I feel Oppenheimer was most shaped by his non-scientific factors in his life compared to Ernest Just and Richard Feynman. Robert Julius Oppenheimer was a great scientist that was shaped from a religious upbringing and considered by many as a genius of his time. His deep religious upbringing is what led him to his moral temperament and allowed him to see the devastation the bomb would do before it was even dropped. He stood his ground on his faith and morality in supporting his views. Even though he knew he would be incriminated in the Red Scare, he felt it necessary to stand firm in his beliefs. Like Just he too was backstabbed by a former colleague, Teller, when it came time for an important decision that affect many people. He is long remembered as the scientist who fought against his scientific knowledge and moral upbringing in order to create a world he thought would best for human society. Even though he was slowed down by the Red Scare, he fought through it and had his reputation blemished until Johnson reinstated him as an American Icon of science and discovery. Oppenheimer was a genius, scientis t and a noble American. Science Essays

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Think Tank Essay Research Paper The word free essay sample

Think Tank Essay, Research Paper The word think normally refers to the individuals encephalon and the actions that it does. The word armored combat vehicle can intend many things but frequently people think of a armored combat vehicle turn overing across a unfastened desert. The term think armored combat vehicle, it merely doesn t seem like proper English, but it is really a proper term used on appraising the landscape in Canada. Think armored combat vehicles are really policy institutes and have been a seeable presence on the Canadian political landscape in Canada. Think armored combat vehicles in Canada and, for that affair, in all advanced industrial and developing states such as our neighbours to the south the united provinces of United States, portion a common desire to determine and model public sentiment and public policy. They all vary well in footings of size, resources, countries of expertness, and the quality and measure of publications they produce with Canada when comparing to the USA is highly smaller. We will write a custom essay sample on Think Tank Essay Research Paper The word or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A think armored combat vehicle may dwell of a smattering of people involved actively in analyzing a peculiar policy country who seek, inform and educate policy shapers and the populace through a assortment of channels. The bulk of think armored combat vehicles in Canada autumn into this class. At the opposite extreme, a think armored combat vehicle may house several hundred economic experts, political scientists and statisticians who provide expertness on a wide scope of issues. An illustration of a think armored combat vehicle is the Security and Defense forum whose authorization is to promote preparation of Canadian experts on military and strategic issues, in order to react to show and future security demands and elicit a countrywide involvement in these issues. The USA keep some of the largest think armored combat vehicles in the universe. Given the enormous diverseness of think armored combat vehicles that exist in many advanced industrial states, it is non surprising that book mans have consciously avoided seeking to specify these establishments. Indeed, other that admiting that think armored combat vehicles are non-profit-making, nonpartizan organisations engaged in the survey of public policy, few bookmans have outlined other standards which would let them to separate between think armored combat vehicles and other types of non-profit-making governmental non-profit-making organisations including involvement groups, spiritual motions and, trade brotherhoods which besides seek to supply policy advise to authorities. In fact, as involvement groups have attempted to get greater policy expertness to heighten their position in the policy doing community and as think armored combat vehicles have looked to involvement groups to larn more about lobbying schemes, institutional differences between think armored combat vehicles and involvement groups have become progressively bleary. The following thing that this essay will cover with is the legion moving ridges of think armored combat vehicles, the first one being governmental specializers. In the first moving ridge, several royal committees and undertaking forces had been created to look into peculiar policy inquiries and to do suggestions on how the authorities could turn to and decide specific jobs. However, despite the of import function played by several of these organic structures, they merely remained in being until their authorization was completed. permenate authorities occupations is what was losing in this procedure. the 2nd moving ridge, the creative activity of authorities councils helped to make full the nothingness in the governmental setup, but considerable spreads in the research community remained. In detecting the progressively crowded think armored combat vehicle community in Canada, there is a inclination to presume, normally without foundation, that think armored combat vehicles exercise considerable influence in the political sphere. We are frequently left with the feeling that these organisations are mostly responsible for determining the political and economic docket of authorities. Unfortunately, few bookmans have attempted to explicate how to mensurate the influence of think armored combat vehicles allow entirely how they seek to accomplish it. Although it is hard to accurately measure how much or small influence think armored combat vehicles wield in policy devising procedure, it is non-the less possible to do informed judgements about the nature of thinks armored combat vehicles influences. A utile point of going is to analyze the assorted channels think armored combat vehicles relay on to exert influence. While some schemes that think armored combat vehicles rely on in order to heighten their position in the policymaking communities are concealed from the populace, many can be easy identified. In shutting, think armored combat vehicles are a large portion of the workings of the Canadian authorities, they are in charge of doing and researching our authorities s policies. Without think armored combat vehicles to research the policies that are being made, we would hold no hint in the impact that think armored combat vehicles are act uponing today s political docket. Think armored combat vehicles have become lasting fixtures in the policy devising process..

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ups vs Fedex free essay sample

In 1975, UPS promised package delivery to every address in the United States; FedEx was not able to guarantee delivery in every area. When deregulation of the domestic airline industry and trucking industry occurred, the operating landscape changed, and FedEx became the beneficiary by expanding its delivery fleet. The just-in-time supply movement enabled FedEx to grow as well by creating a larger demand for express delivery. Technological innovations, such as its package tracker, assisted FedEx in improved customer service; UPS was able to keep pace with technological innovations of its own, such as its own package tracker. UPS’s key to success was and remains efficiency, timing all delivery routes to traffic signal patterns for example. UPS also expanded into Canada and Germany before FedEx. In recent years UPS has invested heavily in information technology, aircraft and other facilities. Competitor Comparison UPS went public in 1999, starting direct stock competition with FedEx UPSFedEx Offered package delivery services to the entire US and over 200 countries, delivered over 13 million packages and achieved profits of $3 billion, and AAA bond rating in 1983Operational leader reached $1 billion in revenues during 1983 and was poised to own the market for express delivery Restructured by becoming an aggressive company and expanding through acquisitionsNo unions Acquired Miami based carrier with operations in Latin AmericaAchieved $15 billion in assets, net income of $830 million on revenues of . We will write a custom essay sample on Ups vs Fedex or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page billion in 2003 Opened Mail Boxes Etc. franchise stores, providing packing, shipping and mail service Invested in IT, aircraft and facilities to support service innovations, quality and reduce cost Became involved with all aspects of supply chain logistics to offer another service to its customers By 2003, UPS and FedEx were in very similar business positions, providing express service in the US and abroad. Express Segment: 1999 2003 UPSFedEx Focus on customer serviceFocus on customer service Started price war, but later settled on regular price increasesSettled on regular price increases Cut costs through economies of scale, investments in IT and business process reengineeringCut costs through economies of scale, investments in IT and business process reengineering IT: UPS employs on DIADs for drivers to scan package barcodes during pickupIT: COSMOS transmits data from package movements, customer pickups, invoices and deliveries to central database in Memphis, TN UPS installed drop off boxes, 165 drive through and 371 express delivery stores, Saturday pickups to expand services and match FedExPurchased ground vehicles worth $200 million to match UPS delivery fleet Offered integrated logistics service to large corporate clients with total inventory controlCompeted for large corporate clients providing integrated logistics service In the international package-delivery market, UPS exceeded and had more success and dollar investment marked for international growth than FedEx . International Package-Delivery Market European entry in 1988 with acquisition of 10 continental courier services Lost estimated $1 billion in Europe since entry in 1984 and eventually sold European hub to DHL Spent an additional $1 billion in 1995 to expand it European operationsExpanded routes in Latin America, Caribbean and introduced AsiaOne next business day service between Asia and US in 1995 Begins direct flights to China in 2001Establishes Chinese Headquarters in 2003 Contracts with Yangtze River Express for package delivery within China in 2003 FedEx owned the largest foreign presence in China, with almost double the amount of daily flights to China than UPS, serving 220 Chinese cities with direct flights to Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai. FedEx volumes in China grew by more than 50% between 2003 and 2004. UPS was active in China beginning in 1988, and was the first carrier to offer nonstop service from America. By 2003, UPS had 6 weekly flights to China with direct service to Beijing and Shanghai, serving about 200 cities with expected growth of about 60% on its main route. UPS also predicted peak-season demand to exceed capacity. Financial Analysis UPS appears to be the better bet for the long-term because its historical financial results are superior to and more consistent when compared to FedEx. If we consider EVA (Economic Value Added) as the key gauge for evaluating both firms, UPS is clearly the better performer. In the twelve year period of 1992 through 1993, UPS created $4. 33 billion in cumulative economic value, while FedEx destroyed $2. 25 billion. Because of its superior profitability and cash generating capabilities, UPS has better prospects for funding growth through internal and external sources. Even if we weaken the assumption of past history as a good indicator for the course of future financial performance and management, the data still indicates UPS is in a better financial position for taking on future growth. Decomposing EVA UPS outperformed FedEx on profitability in the twelve year period with an average RONA of 13. 78% compared to 8. 31% for FedEx. This profitability disparity accounts for most of the differences in their EVA histories. The twelve year average cost of capital/WACC for each firm was virtually the same (11. 97% for UPS, 11. 5% for FedEx); FedEx failed to generate enough RONA to cover its cost of capital in eleven years of the twelve year period, while UPS generated positive economic returns in seven of those years. The economic profit margin or spread between RONA and WACC for UPS averaged about 1. 8 % compared to -3. 14% for FedEx. For the last year of the period, 2003, UPS’s spread was 5. 11% and FedEx’s was 1. 10%. Given these statistics, UPS is obviously the better value creator and more profitable firm. Funding Future Growth (Cash and Debt) UPS is in a better position to fund its future growth because it generates more cash through superior profitability and its bigger size NOPAT for UPS in 2003 was at $3. 31 billion versus FedEx at $1. 42 billion. Thus, UPS can fund a larger percentage of its growth through internally generated funds. UPS can also take on additional debt at a lower cost than FedEx. The two firms have very similar debt/equity ratios but different bond ratings, with UPS rated higher. Therefore, even with similar relative debt levels, UPS can choose to supplement its funding needs with debt at a lower interest expense than FedEx. As of 2003, UPS‘s interest coverage ratio is three times that of FedEx, so UPS has a bigger cushion for handling additional debt (which partially explains UPS’s higher debt rating). In summary, from a cash perspective and in the context of each firm’s debt load, UPS is clearly in a better financial position to compete than FedEx. Operational Analysis While UPS and FedEx operate with similar business practices and offer almost identical services to their respective customers, UPS is more diversified both in operational revenue and global market service. Virtually all of FedEx’s business is derived from air-express sector in the package delivery; that segment is only 44% of UPS’s revenues. Both companies compete fiercely, often copying the other’s moves. For instance, FedEx has started to poach clients from UPS by offering volume discounts and excellent delivery services. UPS has countered by matching FedEx’s customer interaction by installing drop boxes and offering Saturday delivery to equal FedEx’s delivery schedule. Annualized capital expenditures are almost identical between the two companies for the period of 1992 to 2003 was 34. 64% for FedEx and 36. 78% for UPS. The main difference between the two is the markets each company serves and how they serve it. FedEx utilizes an independent contractor model, while UPS has unionized employees. FedEx attempted to develop its European capabilities until 1992, when it sold its operations to DHL, and now relies on local partners. By comparison, UPS acquired multiple courier services and announced in 1995 it would spend $1 billion over the next five years to continue its European expansion. The following table provides the comparison of worldwide facts between FedEx and UPS: FedExUPS Main HubMemphis, TennesseeLouisville, Kentucky Packages handled per day5. 4 million13. 6 million Air deliveries per day3. 1 million2 million Service AreaMore than 220 countries and territories, including every address in the United StatesMore than 200 countries and territories; every address in North America and Europe WorkforceMore than 216,500 employees worldwide360,000 Worldwide Delivery FleetMore than 50,000 motorized vehicles and 625 aircraft88,000 ground vehicles; 583 aircraft. In the ground package-delivery business, UPS is approximately five times larger than FedEx, delivering 11 million packages per day. However, there are signs that FedEx is gaining market share for ground delivery. FedEx dominates with the world’s largest air-delivery service, delivering 50% more per day than UPS. The battleground has shifted from Europe to China, which is projected to become the second largest economy by 2011 and the largest by 2039. Because China’s export volume increased by 101% in 2004, both companies have focused on the import/export package market valued at nearly $1 billion, instead of the intra-domestic market, valued at approximately $800 million. Although it entered the Chinese market after FedEx, UPS is aggressively expanding its services within the market. While FedEx flies almost twice as many daily routes to China than UPS, the new service agreement between the US and China will alter the landscape; it is uncertain how the newly acquired routes will be distributed to FedEx, UPS and their other competitors. Conclusion UPS will achieve better long-term performance relative to FedEx because of its bigger size, more diversified revenue and business, superior financial and operational efficiency and a better capital position.

Sunday, November 24, 2019


DEVELOPING COUNTRY QATAR essays The developing country of Qatar is located near the Persian Gulf, and surrounded by it on three sides (Crystal, 263). Located in the Middle East, Qatar is also bordered by Saudi Arabia (Crystal, 264). It is one of the 15 states that are generally considered to be in what is termed the "Cradle of Humanity" (Qatar, 2004). It is technically in a peninsula in the east of Arabia (Crystal, 264). Qatar makes up 11,437 square kilometers and has no large lakes or rivers to speak of (Qatar, 2004). Five hundred and sixty-three kilometers of Qatar are coastline and 60 kilometers border Saudi Arabia (Qatar, 2004). It is generally a desert climate. It is very hot and dry in most regions of the country and in the summer it turns into a very sultry and humid place. Most of the terrain of Qatar is flat and much of it is barren desert (Qatar, 2004). This is generally covered with gravel or loose sand and there are no forests or other densely planted areas. The lowest point in Qatar is where it meets the Persian Gulf and the highest point is Qurayn Abu al Bawl, which is 103 meters high (Qatar, The main natural resources of Qatar are fish, natural gas, and petroleum (Al-Haj, 561). Only 5 percent of the land is used for permanent pastures and there are no permanent crops (Qatar, 2004). Eighty square kilometers of the land is irrigated but Qatar must deal with many natural hazards such as dust storms, haze, and sandstorms, which are very common (Qatar, 2004). There are many large-scale facilities in Qatar for removing salt from the water and there is increasing dependence on these since Qatar has very few freshwater resources (Al-Haj, 568). These natural resources are extremely limited. In order to preserve much of its environment, Qatar belongs to several international agreements including those dealing with the proper way to handle hazardous wastes, biodiversity, and protection o...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Biometrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biometrics - Essay Example As Jain, Bolle and Pankanti (n.d) point out, biometrics will gradually become a prime appurtenance in identification technology especially for the following reasons: repeatedly falling prices of biometric sensors, advancement in the underlying technology, increasing awareness among the public regarding the merits and demerits of the technology as such. But a strong voice had been rising against the implementation of biometrics especially regarding the threat posed by it to privacy of persons. Biometric scanners which were in use in some airports in the U.S. were greatly criticized for the reason that security officers could observe the naked figures of the passengers through the scanner, and it is said that biometric scanners can even detect if a woman is pregnant. And this in fact is the biggest challenge the technology has to overcome in order to be globally practical. Privacy is clearly a fundamental right of an individual. Hence, anything that invades ones privacy cannot be suppo rted. Biometric methods have both positive and negative impacts on the privacy of a person. It enhances the control of the individual over his/her personal information thus reducing the likeliness of identifying theft.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Independent study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Independent study - Essay Example In today’s intensely competitive business environment, the competitive advantage lies in how successful an organisation is in linking its strategic intent and direction to its overall operations. In order to steer an organisation in its intended direction and be successful in achieving its overall objectives, correct evaluation of organisational performance is critical. Evaluating organisational performance not only provides an assessment of the current situation but also provides information for corrective action if the performance is deviating from desired levels. However the effectiveness of performance evaluation depends on whether the right things have been evaluated. If a company has focused on evaluating the wrong aspects or neglected evaluating key aspects, which has significant implications on its performance, then results from the evaluation process will not be complete. The intention of this independent study is to gain valuable first hand insight in to how theoreti cal knowledge on management practices can be applied in practical settings. Balanced Score Card concept being a fairly recent management concept holds vocational value for the future career purposes, as it is set within the background of strategic management.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Approaches to Standard Setting in Accounting Essay - 1

Approaches to Standard Setting in Accounting - Essay Example Financial statements are prepared and presented through observation of relevant accounting standards and procedures. Users of these statements, therefore, need to derive assessments that are realistic in regard to any given entity’s financial status. These users are spread across the economic context, based on the interest of each of them in the financial positions of different entities. To act in the satisfaction of these stakeholders, accounting standards are crucial in ensuring that financial reporting is effective enough. In this regard, capital markets operations are assessed for their efficacy in the context of accounting standards integration. The impacts of accounting standards on different entities can take more than one way. The impacts can be individual-entity-based or even broader to encompass several sectors of the economy or the entire economy at large, including capital and other markets. On a smaller scale, accounting standards enhance individual entity account ability and further provide strong basis upon which investors, creditors and other stakeholders are managed. In general, corporate governance is improved prior to business arrangements of different entities. ... Literature Review McLeay and Merkl (2004, p.341) notes that accounting standards operate by setting out general rules to be followed in financial statements’ preparation and financial reporting. These rules are practical prior to the accounting work in question. Entities differ in financial reporting methods through similar or close accounting standards are observed. This is due to the fact that there are a number of setters of accounting standards around the world. According to Bennett & Loucks (2008, p.407-419), major accounting standard setting bodies around the world include: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), Committee on the Global Financial Systems (CGFS), Committee on Payment and Settlement System (CPSS), Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), Financial Stability Board (FSB), International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI), International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), Internati onal Accounting Standards Board (IASB), International Monetary Board (IMF), World Bank (WB), among others. In the UK, GAAP is responsible for setting accounting standards and regulating observance of company law. Accounting standards have three basic concepts that they account for. The first concept is to present the underlying problem. In this case, an intensive description of the underlying problem is presented. Upon the realization of a problem, there is the need to get a solution to the problem. The second concept is therefore that of fixing the problem highlighted in the first concept. Fundamental accounting theory is explored in pursuit of finding a viable solution to the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Models Of Strategic Change That Is Appropriate Management Essay

Models Of Strategic Change That Is Appropriate Management Essay Lewins change model is the appropriate model for the British Airways strategic change. According to this model, the initial step of any change process it to unfreeze the current pattern of behaviour as a way of managing opposition to the change. On the basis of the organizational level of change needed, such unfreezing may involve on the individual level by selectively promoting or terminating the employees and on the structural level- by developing highly experiential training, providing data based feedback on how employees feel about certain management practices. Each of these interventions is planned to make organizational members address that levels need for change. The next step, movement, involves making the definite changes that will shift the organization to any other level of response. On the individual level, we would anticipate to see people behaving in a different way, possibly representing new skills. At last, on the interpersonal- style level, we would anticipate to see behavior patterns that indicate better interpersonal trust and less dysfunctional interactions. The final stage of the change process which is refreezing involves stabilizing these This stage may involve redesigning the organizations employment process in order to increase the likelihood of hiring applicants who share the organizations new management style. LO1.2 Discuss how your chosen strategic change model is relevance British Airways in the Current economy Markov models and Monte Carlo simulations staff replacements can be employed along with the Delphi technique, for strategizing change. The application of Kurt Lewin is a wide-ranging plan of approach to hit issues governing the British Airways. Kurt Lewins three steps of change in British Airways had both the positive as well as the negative impacts on organisational employees and its structure. The existing pattern of behaviour, which is Unfreeze to cease resistance to change was ordained and was effecting a persons behaviour. It includes the downsizing of workforce policy and shortened employees incumbency and also reduced the hierarchical levels. It also empowered functioning people and made the decisions to spread fast which resulted in a better performance. Lewins second models bring forth highlight of top management to bottom-line. Obviously, it transformed the internal structure and system of the British Airways. It was also complemented with the incentives to absorb shock and a new performance appraisal was introduced in order to alleviate the change by placing the above systems in a behavioral pattern. It emphasized on customer pleasure and amalgamation of the entire team of people in the hierarchy. LO1.3 Discuss the benefits of your chosen strategic change models as intervention Techniques in British Airways British Airways today is the worlds most important airline. Because of the internal and external pressures, BA was forced to adapt to as corporate culture, value and company mission in order to improve the organisations performance. Lewins model is the most important strategic change model for BA. The Unfreezing Stage reduces the hierarchical levels and gives more independence to working people and also allows work to get done without any difficulty as a result the organisations performance is improved. In the past, retirement which is a policy to reduce employees was introduced in this stage. It was got a good response from many employees. There were major changes in British airways top management. The Movement Stage is the second stage of Lewins Model. In this stage, the company involved in building any change to be real which BA developed strategy and plans to bring the idea of the top management-level to the bottom-line employees. For supporting this stage, a number of internal British Airways structures and systems were altered like new bonus system and opening of Terminal 4 at Heathrow airport etc. The final stage is Refreezing in which the company had to alleviate changes by establishing systems which can make behavioral pattern in BA. For example, a new performance appraisal system was created to highlight customer service and subordinate development. BAs symbols were introduced to carry those changes. LO2: Understand issues relating to strategic change in an organisation LO2.1Based on the case study discuss why you think British Airways need change In the 90s, that British Airways was well-known as the worlds number one airline when it came to quality and customer satisfaction. Today the above mentioned statement would have obscurity in itself as British Airways strategy seems to have changed from a service focused business to one competing on value that the British Airways have implemented in an attempt to deal with low profits and the high operating costs. Today all the organisations are being all the time more challenged by change. Subsequently, they have to to be aware of the issues that force the need for change which means that the organisations call for a proactive approach to the strategic change management. A cooperative and peaceful work environment is a key need in every organisation and strikes in the organisations also affects the good will and brand of the organisation. Strikes in any organisation imply that there is lack of proper communication between employees and the managers which ultimately leads to growth of tension in the organisation climate. BA now need to adopt a strategy to ensure that strikes wont occur and for this over-communication need to be done to check nothing gets missed and the project manager and the employees must understand the value of compromise and work actively together in order to avoid any risk of bitter relationship which may give birth to a strike in the future. LO2.2 Assess the factors that are driving the need for strategic change at British Airways Strategic management is a set of managerial decisions and activities that determines the long-run performance of an organisation. It includes aspects such as strategy formulation on the basis of the current environment of the organisation, implementation of formulated strategy, and its evaluation and control. The organizational development tradition is an approach to carry out organizational change with a view to increase efficiency. A variety of employee involvement strategies are taken in to account, but there is minor confirmation for their effectiveness as a means of securing commitment and improved performance. Due to the incidents like the global slowdown in the travel industry and lower demand for bookings, that fuel costs rise sharply, costs of insurance going up in the BA saw the need for strategic changes in attracting the market. Strategic change is imperative for every business because it determines its success in the market. A major strategy of airlines is alliances or merges. Alliances or merges are a part of strategic management plan. Alliances are useful for any airlines to manage and preserve the business. This strategy was also adopted by the British Airways for better service and customer satisfaction. The motivating factor behind alliances is long-term profitability. Their formation is for strategic reasons like accessing larger markets and building hub-to-hub traffic etc. LO2.3 Assess the resource implications of British Airways not responding to strategic change British airways have been affected by the change in technology, business trends, and economic trends. They have been slow to adapt to the changes according to the changing world and this has become a major setback in the British Airways where they have lagged behind. The key problem for British Airways is the poor management strategies. Earlier, the company was doing amazingly well with high profits. The companys reliability had grown enormously in the transport industry as well and therefore it was termed as a company with class. Later on the troubles for the company led to its financial catastrophe due to lack of managerial strategies or we can say due to resistance to change. The change in the business trends is one of the main causes of the poor management strategies as the customers have been varying their behaviours from the conventional habits they were used to. Another main problem that is the root cause of the poor management strategies is the rise in fuel costs. Earlier in the past, the fuel prices were low and easily quantifiable. The times have passed by and the prices of the fuel today have sky rocketed which means that the income have diminished and have now transformed to losses. Because of this reason, the management of British Airways is having management crisis due to resistance to change. Another problem is the competitors of the company. There were no competitors in the past to compete with British airways. Earlier, the company did not have any struggle but this all changed with the formation of new rivals in the industry for example- Easy Jet due to which BA faced a huge loss of customers and they started making losses. Technology is also a problem which has affected British Airways leading to its huge poor management strategies. The organization strategic change management has been not efficient in solving all these entire problems. LO3 Stakeholders in developing a strategy for change LO3.1 Identify a system involving stakeholders in the planning of change at British For Creating a stakeholder aware culture in the organisation a structured approach is needed, skilful management is also essential. A structured process which is focussed on identifying the stakeholders, understanding their expectations and managing their expectations, monitoring the efficiency of the stakeholder activities and continual review of stakeholder community can be used to achieve success in managing stakeholder relationships. A stakeholder has a stake in the activities of the organisation. That stake may be an interest in the result or product, an individual or group influenced by the work or the product which may be direct or indirect. As an unremitting upgrading process, stakeholder administration requires understanding support from everyone in the organisation ranging from the CEO to the employee to the short-term contractor. This ensures the concepts of effective stakeholder relationship management in the organisation. Management should have to recognise that success criteria of its organisation must be broader than the bottom line considerations: -The only business driver is not only shareholder value. -Organisations today need to think about socially valuable behaviours such as sustainability and corporate social liability as an important part of their mission and goals. Many organisations followed the management ideologies of the bottom line. Above all, the CEO should be a hero and the shareholder value is supreme. Any kind of activity that an organisation undertakes, whether it be operational, strategic or tactical, the activity can only be unbeaten with the input, obligation and support of people- stakeholders. Attainment of and maintaining the support and loyalty of stakeholders requires a constant process of appealing the right stakeholders at the right time and obviously to understand and manage their expectations. LO3.2 Analyse the change management strategy of British Airways with stakeholders STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholders are the persons or groups who are impacted by or can influence the success or failure of an organisations actions. They are the groups or individuals who supply important resources. The Stakeholder Circle methodology The Stakeholder Circle is a five step methodology which provides a flexible and structured approach to understand and manage relationships within and around the organisationsactivity. It is based on the concept that the success of any organisations activities depend on the participation of the stakeholder community. With each of the activity a team is associated, often unobserved in many stakeholder engagement processes like it appeared to be known as being imperative to the success of that activity. The outmost circle references possible stakeholders:, those who may be important to the victory of the activity at the later stage. The methodology defines a concept that any activity of the organisation can only exist with the informed approval of its stakeholder community. Managing the relationships between the stakeholders community and the activity will augment the chances of the success. The community of stakeholders consists of individuals and groups having a different potential to influence the activitys result either positively or negatively. The team associated with the activity must develop knowledge about this stakeholder community. This information will help to define the suitable level and substance of communication required to affect stakeholders expectations and actions. The five steps are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Identification of all the stakeholders. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Prioritisation to determine who among the stakeholders is crucial. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Visualisation in order to determine the overall stakeholder community. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Engagement through effectual communications. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Monitoring the outcome of the engagement. LO3.3Evaluate the systems used by British Airways to involve stakeholders in the planning of change Key stakeholder are the stakeholders with major impact on or considerably influenced by the work and where these interests and influence must be accepted if the work is to be thriving. The British Airways stakeholders consist of the groups who are concerned in the British Airways business and that would be: -British Airways Workers who want BA to do well as the company pays their mortgages. -BA shareholders who want BA to do well because they have possession of the company and want their investments to increase. -BA suppliers as they make money by supplying the BA with goods and services. -BA customers as they want BA to do well so they can continue to use their service. STAKEHOLDER CIRCLE METHODOLOGY It is based on the concept that the success of any organisations activities to achieve its objectives depend upon the involvement of the stakeholder community. All decisions of the relationships are made from the point of view of the project manager. Team surrounds the activity which at times is overlooked in many stakeholder engagement processes. Surrounding the team there is stakeholder community that, at present time, is identified as the important factor for the victory of any activity. The outermost circle is of potential stakeholders those who are/will be crucial for the projects success at later stages. LO3.4 Were there any resistance to change? If so explain The CEO, Willie Walsh of British Airways, has faced major industrial action when he implements a change programme intended to develop the competitiveness of the BA. British Airways illustrates the unfreezing-moving-refreezing procedure of change. The changes at the BA faced the increased competition for example from the Virgin Atlantic Airways. Organisational change hence can be critical for the performance and the survival as well. BA is the largest UK airline. BA is the market leader but instead the low cost airlines can influence the decisions that BA makes. Boeing and airbus are the core BA suppliers. BA tries to keep a healthy relationship with the media in order to have good relation with the public. Stakeholder engagement British Airways has been important for many years. Networks of stakeholder relations exist within the Airways. In the BA change process, the time and attention change leaders spent on the unfreezing face is of particular note. When change leaders fail to see the unfreezing phase as a crucial and separate phase they often encounter problems. Resistance to change is likely to be strong without any explicit attention on the unfreezing phase and this ignorance towards the unfreezing phase is also the reason behind the failure of change efforts. There are two additional and crucial points. First is that the managers should not suppose all the change activities to occur in succession. Activities necessary in the one phase of the process may overlap with that of the next phase. For example- The change leaders may be engaged in the activity of the moving phase while continuing to convince people to the requirement of change which is an activity associated with the unfreezing phase. Second is that instead of an individual a team of the change leaders should guide the organisation through a important c hange effort. The team can work more efficiently than a single person as there is too much work like deciding how to better unfreeze people, vision development and its communication, generation of small wins, overseeing many change projects. Individuals of the team must possess knowledge related to all the problems needed for the change efforts and must have different point of view for various solutions. Leadership is also crucial in the context. The team needs individuals who are capable to lead the team efficiently and confidently. The team size is also a concern. Six may be enough for a smaller organisation while fifteen or more may be needed in a larger one. LO4 Planning to implement models for ensuring ongoing change LO4.1 How would you develop appropriate model for change for British Airways Lewins change model, according to me, is the appropriate model for change for the British Airways. It is outlined as below:- Lewins Change Model Organizations tend to always work in order to maintain a steady state and this may help us to understand that why do organizations require external force to initiate alteration and why that change will be opposed. Organizational change can occur at three levels and the patterns in each level need different change strategies. The levels involve: Changing the persons who are employees in the organization which includes changing their r skills, values, attitudes, and behaviour. Changing the organizational environment or interpersonal style which means that how open people are with one another, how the conflicts are managed and how decisions are taken, and so on. According to Lewin, the initial step of any change process it to unfreeze the current pattern of behavior as a way of managing opposition to the change. On the basis of the organizational level of change needed, such unfreezing may involve on the individual level by selectively promoting or terminating the employees and on the structural level- by developing highly experiential training, providing data based feedback on how employees feel about certain management practices. Each of these interventions is planned to make organizational members address that levels need for change. The next step, movement, involves making the definite changes that will shift the organization to any other level of response. On the individual level, we would anticipate to see people behaving in a different way, possibly representing new skills. At last, on the interpersonal- style level, we would anticipate to see behavior patterns that indicate better interpersonal trust and less dysfunctional interactions. The final stage of the change process which is refreezing involves stabilizing these This stage may involve redesigning the organizations employment process in order to increase the likelihood of hiring applicants who share the organizations new management style. LO4.2 Based on the case explain how you would plan and implement a model for change for British Airways British Airways used the same tools and faced the similar thing which others faced for their revival. They chose for manpower management and strategic movement. Future requirements of manpower were compared to that of the existing human resource. It identified skills and competencies. On the basis of the, the organization prepared a plan for developing the human resource strategy for preservation and removal with compensation. A process driven mechanism ensued to collect competencies that are vital in the organization. In order to achieve its goals the British Airways undertook strategic functions based on enterprise and the objectives were to make the organization competitive. In the British Airways, skill obsolesce are a major factor in the organisation. It needs deep-seated actions to be performed. Any organization has two categories its knowledge set, smart people and skill-sets that are ensured with job definitions. Overstaffing increase training cost and production cost. It also affects values, morale and productivity. If an organisation wants to create an optimised manpower planning designs then the following points are salient: 1. Delivery and allocation of manpower and Balancing of demand supply. 2. Human resource controlling. 3. Introducing policies on succession, transfers and repositioning of manpower. Internal/External Changes in the Organization Internal/external changes in the organisation are fairly natural. They add to innovations of competitive strategy. External changes include change in the customer need and taste, amendments in government policy while internal change is related to product and service design innovation, appointment of well-informed senior managers for fresh ideas in order to deliver better services. Amidst a set of fiscal problems, the only alternative that British Airways could take resort to was a privatization program. It had to sale government owned stakes to the private players. It influenced and improved the organizational performance; which was subjected to fierce competition. Lewins Model The model to be engaged for managing change is the Lewins model having three stages. The step one includes unfreezing which reduces the forces of change which maintains behaviour, identifies the need for change and the points that required enhancement. The step two consists of adopting movement for development of new attitude for the execution of the change and in the step three re-freezing is to be adopted in order to alleviate the change at new level. LO4.3How would you develop appropriate measures to monitor progress at British Airways Key Performance Indicators: KPIs or Key performance indicators are the financial and non-financial measures which are used to assist an organisation to measure its progress headed for a settled organisational objective. A key measure of companys success is customer recommendation. An onboard customer survey, British Airways Global Performance Monitor (GPM) survey and a follow up online survey on the arrivals process which provides monthly insights into the views of the customer. British Airways expect big things of everybody working for it. It invests in new leadership training; implementing comprehensible communication programmes and recuperating the way company supervise presentation in all the business areas by training and systems solutions. British Airways must attain a constantly strong financial performance to keep on investing for the future success of the business and provide enough shareholder returns. The main way for measuring financial performance is Operating margin. (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })(),or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.fp=39ca3a13ecaabac5biw=1024bih=637 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º Essays à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º Business à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º Business à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º British Airways

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Joy of Overcoming Pain :: Personal Narrative Essay Example

The Joy of Overcoming Pain Propelled forward by my surging leg muscles, sweat gushing down my face, the harsh reality of this 50-mile bike race has begun to invade my body. My eyes remain intensely focused straight ahead: Grinding away along the racecourse, I see five girls from a different team about 200 yards ahead of me. My team needs a contribution from me, I realize, and I make the decision to pass all three of them. Through the heat rising off the asphalt I can finally see the distant white line proclaiming the finish. My mind propels my legs to their maximum ability. In these last few seconds of exertion, the years of hard work are paying off. Soaring through the finish, I have achieved flight. Biking is a pure sport, requiring little more than a brain ready to conquer pain. It is a sport that calls for commitment and mental toughness. Through testing myself, I increase my resilience and grow stronger. I unleash the power of my mind, and I bike. Some people are born with great biking ability, and others, like myself, are born with the desire to excel at every challenge. I've become the best biker I can through hard work and dedication. Challenging myself with new goals every day, I bike against the forces of gravity and inertia. I love the thrill of competition -- the euphoric feeling I get when mind overcomes pain. As a four-year member of my high school biking team, I have experienced just about every physical infirmity that comes from biking. I have dealt with shin splints, biker's knee, broken toes, and pulled calf mussels. My orthopedic surgeon took one look at my legs and admitted that I'm "not built to be a biker." Yet, I chose to continue biking because of its daily challenges and rewards. I've learned from this sport that by focusing single-mindedly on achieving a goal, I can make any obstacle trivial. I still hear my coach's voice in my head: "If you sacrifice yourself, good things will happen." As much as a bike race requires individual strength physically and mentally, it also requires a team effort to succeed. Like sisters in a family, the girls I bike with understand and respect one another. We remind each other to work harder, eat right, and to accomplish the most we can.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

An Information Communications Technology Solutions Essay

Unified communications (UC) is a commonly used term for the integration of disparate communications systems, media, devices and applications. This potentially includes the integration of fixed and mobile voice, e-mail, instant messaging, desktop and advanced business applications, Internet Protocol (IP)-PBX, voice over IP (VoIP), presence, voice-mail, fax, audio video and web conferencing, unified messaging, unified voicemail, and whiteboarding into a single environment offering the user a more complete but simpler and more effective experience. Gartner states â€Å"The largest single value of UC is its ability to reduce â€Å"human latency† in business processes. † Unified Messaging (or UM) is the integration of different streams of communication (e-mail, SMS, Fax, voice, video, etc. ) into a single, or, unified ‘message store’, accessible from a variety of different devices. Unified Messaging was expected by many in the consumer telecommunications industry to be a popular product, first augmenting and eventually replacing voicemail. However, UM was slow to gain consumer acceptance, and UM vendors such as Comverse were badly hit when the slowdown in the telecommunications industry in 2001 made carriers wary of spending large amounts of money on technology with little proven consumer demand. Role of UM in Present Scenario Today, UM solutions are increasingly accepted in the corporate environment. The aim of deploying UM solutions generally is to enhance and improve business processes as well as services. UM solutions targeting professional end-user customers integrate communications processes into the existing IT infrastructure, i. e. into CRM, ERP and mail systems (e. g. Phoenixnet PH, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, SAP, etc. ) Unified communications is sometimes confused with unified messaging, but it is distinct. Unified communications refers to a real-time delivery of communications based on the preferred method and location of the recipient; unified messaging systems culls messages from several sources (such as email, voice mail etc. ), but holds those messages for retrieval at a later time. Unified messaging focuses on allowing users to access voice, e-mail, fax and other mixed media from a single mailbox independent of the access device. Multimedia services include messages of mixed media types such as video, sound clips, and pictures, and include communication via short message services (SMS). Components of unified communications Unified communications can include a variety of elements, such as instant messaging, telephony, video, email, voicemail, and short message services, all of which could be brought into real time and coordinated. The concept of presence is also a factor – knowing where one’s intended recipients are and if they are available, in real time – and is itself a key component of unified communications. To put it simply, unified communications integrates all the systems that a user might already be using and helps those systems work together in real time. For example, unified communications technology could allow a user to seamlessly collaborate with another person on a project, even if the two users are in separate locations. The user could quickly locate the necessary person by accessing an interactive directory, engage in a text messaging session, and then escalate the session to a voice call, or even a video call – all within minutes. In another example, an employee receives a call from a customer who wants answers. Unified communications could enable that worker to access a real-time list of available expert colleagues, then make a call that would reach the necessary person, enabling the employee to answer the customer faster, and eliminating rounds of back-and-forth emails and phone-tag. The examples in the previous paragraph primarily describe â€Å"personal productivity† enhancements that tend to benefit the individual user. While such benefits can be important, enterprises are finding that they can achieve even greater impact by using unified communications capabilities to transform business processes. This is achieved by integrating UC functionality directly into the business applications using development tools provided by many of the suppliers. Instead of the individual user invoking the UC functionality to, say, find an appropriate resource, the workflow or process application automatically identifies the resource at the point in the business activity where one is needed. When used in this manner, the concept of â€Å"presence† often changes. Most people associate presence with IM â€Å"buddy lists† — the status of individuals is identified. But, in many business process applications, what is important is finding someone with a certain skill. In these environments, presence will identify available skills or capabilities. This â€Å"business process† approach to integrating UC functionality can result in bottom line benefits that are an order of magnitude greater than those achievable by personal productivity methods alone. According to the International Engineering Consortium, unified communications is an industry term used to describe all forms of call and multimedia/cross-media message-management functions controlled by an individual user for both business and social purposes. This includes any enterprise informational or transactional application process that emulates a human user and uses a single, content-independent personal messaging channel (mailbox) for contact access. The essence of communication is breaking down barriers. In its simplest form, the telephone breaks distance and time barriers so that people can communicate in real time or near real time when they are not together. There are now many other barriers to be overcome. People can use many different devices to communicate (wireless phones, personal digital assistants [PDA], personal computers [PC], thin clients, etc. ), and there are now new forms of communication as well, such as instant messaging. The goal of unified communications involves breaking down these barriers so that people using different modes of communication, different media, and different devices can still communicate to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Unified communications (UC) encompasses several communication systems or models including unified messaging, collaboration, and interaction systems; real-time and near real-time communications; and transactional applications.

Friday, November 8, 2019

When I visited my local dental surgery Essays

When I visited my local dental surgery Essays When I visited my local dental surgery Essay When I visited my local dental surgery Essay CD-ROM Drive * 56K Modem * 3.5 Floppy Disk Drive * Keyboard , Mouse 3 years parts and labour return to manufacturer. Supplied with original Microsoft XP installation CD and all drivers for Windows 95/98/ME/2000 and XP Price: à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 475 including VAT Laptop Supplier: Reference LAP03-829021 Manufacturer Hewlett Packard Model Evo NX9005 Processor AMD Athlon 2000 Memory 256mb HDD 30gb FDD 1.44 FDD CDROM/DVD DVD/CDRW Operating System Windows XP Professional Display 14.1 tft Condition New Manufacturers Warranty Price: à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 799 including VAT I have decided to recommend a desktop tower computer rather then a lap top because: Desktop comes with a larger screen size, it can be placed on the floor under the desk and out of sight; it is much cheaper then a similar spec laptop. The price of the desktop recommended will be approximately à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1200. DESIGN All forms will be designed in this style. This will ensure everything looks similar for the user. Item Text details Text Position Colour Background Main Heading Font:20:Italic:Bold Centered Blue Form colour Labels Font: 14: Bold Left aligned Black Form colour Buttons Font:12:Bold Centre Black grey Forms N/A N/A N/A Dark Cyan background Compulsory data Font:12: Left Black Light orange Optional data Font:12 Left Black Light green Diagram showing the major components of the inputs and outputs User FORMS Design: Query1. Purpose: View patients belonging to a specified surgeon. Input: Surgeon name Process: Query database to look all patients against name given. Output: shows gender, forename, surname, contact numbers for all patients found. Query 2. View patient details. Input: Patient forename and surname Process: Query database to look for all patients against forename and surname. Output: Show full record details about the patient Pressing new patient Button brings up this form Database design New patient record Field Name Type Length Required Indexed Validation Duplicates Record ID Auto Number Primary key Yes No No No Medical No text 20 chars Yes No No No Gender text 1 char Yes No M/F Yes Forename text 20chars Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Surname text 20 char Yes Yes Type Check (cap first letter) Yes House No text 10 char Yes No No Yes Address1 text 50 chars Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address2 text 20 char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address3 text 20 char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address 4 text 20 char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Post code text 9 char Yes No Type Check (ccnn ccnn) yes Day time No text 12 char Yes No Character check Yes Mobile No text 12 char Yes No Character Check Yes DOB Date 10 char Yes No Type Check Yes Last appointment Date 10 char Yes No Type Check Yes Expiry date date 10 Char Yes No Type Check Yes Reminder status Text 1 char Yes No Y/N Yes Payment status Text 10 chars Yes No Paid, Defer, Free Yes Amount due Currency Integer No Yes Type Check Yes Surgeons table Field Name Type Length Required Indexed Validation Duplicates Surgeon ID Auto Number Primary key Yes No N/A No Title Text 4 char Yes No Dr, Mr, Mrs, Miss Yes Forename Text 20 Char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Surname Text 20 Char Yes Yes Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address1 Text 50 Char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address2 Text 20 Char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address3 Text 20 Char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Address4 Text 20 Char Yes No Type Check (cap first letter) Yes Post Code Text 9 Char Yes No Type Check (ccnn ccnn) Yes Home No Text 12 char Yes No Character Check Yes Mob No Text 12 char Yes No Character Check Yes Surgery Table Field Name Type Length Required Indexed Validation Duplicates Patient ID Number Long Integer Yes Yes field key No Surgeon ID Number Long Integer Yes Yes field key No Diagram showing how the tables are linked together by key fields. Appendix A Questions for the interview 1. When patients joins the clinic what information do you record.? 2. When patient makes an appointment what information do you take down? 3. When patient arrives for his treatment, how do you note who is waiting for which surgeon? 4. When a person needs a follow-up appointment what do you record? 5. What additional tasks do you perform for a follow-up appointment? 6. How do you record information about patient payments of treatment? 7. What difficulties do you experience when you become very busy? 8. What happens to patients that you cannot deal with? 9. How do you track patients for different surgeons? 10. How many people are there working at the surgery? 11. How do you know how much to charge for different treatments? 12. Do patients cancel appoints? 13. What happens when they do this? Appendix B Answers given at interview A.1 When a new patients comes to register with us, we know the number of new patients that each surgeon will take. If they can take on new patients, then, we ask them to fill in a form about their medical details otherwise we refer them to another dental surgery. We then check the form and ask them to sign their declaration. We ask for their medical card and record the number as well as their names and address details. We also ask for details about their family members and their details. A.2 We take down their first name and surname and record it in our appointment planner against the surgeons name and time of appointment. The planner allows us to make appointments every 15 mins. A3. Yes, when a patient arrives, they usually say the time of their appointment and their name. We write a tick against their name, which indicates they are wait in reception. A4. We do the same as we did before as if the patient is making a new appointment but we know their name and surgeons name so simply agree on suitable time? A5. When we agree on the appointment time and day, we fill in a appoint card with the date and time details and hand it to the patient. We also ask about them to see if they wish to pay today or pay for everything at the end of the treatment. Most patients prefer to pay as treatment is being carried out. Some do decide they will pay the total amount at the end. We also have patients that dont have to pay if they are on job seeker allowance or social security benefit. A6. We make a note on the treatment card, if they have paid or deferred payment or no charge. If they pay we write out a receipt for them. A7. I find it very frustrating when we have people making queries and we have to wait for the appointment planner to be freed up before we can deal with the patient. We sometimes spend time looking for patient sheets in the filing cabinet which one of us has not filed and may be lying on the desk. Sometimes we dont get the treatment sheet and have to ask the dental nurse to look for it the surgeons treatment room and the customer is kept waiting. A8. The dental surgeon refers the patient to the specialist clinic. This involves writing to the clinic and requesting an appointment. It can three to four weeks for the appointment to come. A9. We file each patient records in different filing cabinet and on the planner we write down the name of the surgeon so that his patients are under his named column. A10. There are the three surgeons, three medical nurse and two of us at reception. A11. We have a list of treatments and prices against them. The surgeon writes down what treatment he has carried out and calculates the total. A12/13. Yes, quite often, all we do is put a diagonal line across it and make a new appointment. If they cancel before 48 hours, we do not charge them, otherwise we charge them à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½20. Appendix C Notes taken during observation Observing the surgeon: Receptionist takes the notes from the filing cabinet and passes it to the nurse. The surgeon checks his last notes. The nurse calls the patient in. The treatment is carried out and the surgeon writes, the treatment he carried out and indicates if follow-up appointment is needed, he makes a brief notes about what he needs to do next time. The patient leaves the treatment room and the nurse returns the patient file to the receptionist desk. The next patient is the called in. Observing the Dental Nurse: Dental nurses are only involved in fetching and returning the patients records to and from the surgeon and assisting the surgeon. They do not write anything on the patients notes. Observing the Receptionist: Confirmed what the receptionist said she did with customer handling process. All information given during the interview was correct. Also observed the time wasted when the clinic becomes busy and how frustrated they become having to share a single appointment planner. The times they take to write out the receipt and appointment card is quite effective, but it takes a lower priority to ensuring surgeons receives the patients records and are not waiting. This means keeping the customer waiting longer then is necessary. Customer are frequently kept waiting as they try to pay for treatment or make follow-up appointments. New people arriving are given higher priority.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Biography of Kerry James Marshall, Contemporary Artist

Biography of Kerry James Marshall, Contemporary Artist Kerry James Marshall (born October 17, 1955) is a prominent contemporary African-American artist. He broke ground for black artists by rising to the upper echelon of the art world while remaining steadfastly dedicated to presenting work that explores the black experience in America. His experience growing up in the Watts neighborhood of South Central Los Angeles profoundly influenced his art. Fast Facts: Kerry James Marshall Occupation: ArtistBorn: October 17, 1955 in Birmingham, AlabamaEducation: Otis College of Art and DesignSelected Works: Voyager (1992), Many Mansions (1994), Portrait of Nat Turner with the Head of His Master (2011)Notable Quote: One of the reasons I paint black people is because I am a black person. Early Life and Career Born in Birmingham, Alabama, Kerry James Marshall moved with his family to the Watts neighborhood of South Central Los Angeles as a young child. He grew up surrounded by the Civil Rights and Black Power movements of the 1960s. He was an eyewitness to the Watts riots that occurred in August 1965. As a teenager, Kerry James Marshall took part in a summer drawing class at the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles after a teacher nominated him for inclusion. There, he was shown the studio of artist Charles White who later became his instructor and mentor. Kerry James Marshall enrolled as a full-time student at the Otis Art Institute in 1977 and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1978. He moved to Chicago in 1987 after completing a residency at the Studio Museum in Harlem, New York City. Marshall began teaching at the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1993, and he earned a genius grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in 1997. History as Subject Matter Many of Kerry James Marshalls works reference events from American history as primary subject matter. One of the most prominent is 1992s Voyager. The boat featured in the painting is named Wanderer. It references the story of the former yacht that was the last ship to bring a large number of African slaves to America. In violation of a 50-year-old law prohibiting the importation of slaves, the Wanderer arrived at Jekyll Island in Georgia in 1858 with over 400 slaves on board. It was the final event in the history of the African slave trade in America. In 2011, Marshall painted Portrait of Nat Turner with the Head of His Master. It is a nearly full-length portrait in the manner of traditional portraiture, but the grisly image of a man slaughtered in his sleep lying behind Nat Turner is chilling. The historical event referenced is the two-day slave rebellion led by Nat Turner in 1831. Housing Projects In 1994, Kerry James Marshall painted a series titled The Garden Project. He depicts life in public housing projects in the U.S. inspired by his own experience living in Nickerson Gardens, a 1,066-unit apartment complex in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles. His paintings in the series explore the dichotomy between the imagery evoked by the names of the projects using the word Gardens and the reality of harsh life in public housing. It is a metaphor for the lives of African-Americans in contemporary America. One of the key pieces is 1994s Many Mansions. It shows three black men in formal clothing performing the manual labor of planting flowers for a housing project. Their depiction is at the center of Marshalls juxtaposition of the ideal evoked by the concept of a public housing project with the reality of the residents experiences. Another painting in the series, Better Homes, Better Gardens, shows an idyllic young black couple strolling through a brick housing project. The inspiration for this piece is Chicagos Wentworth Gardens. It is notorious for a history of gang violence and drug problems. Concept of Beauty Another frequent subject of Kerry James Marshalls work is the concept of beauty. The people depicted in Marshalls paintings usually have very dark, almost flat black, skin. He explained to interviewers that he created the extreme to specifically draw attention to the distinctive appearance of black Americans. In a series of 1994 paintings of models, Marshall depicts male and female black models. The male model is shown against a mostly white background that emphasizes the blackness of his skin. He is lifting his shirt to presumably share the power of his physique with viewers. He painted a topless female black model with the names Linda, Cindy, and Naomi inscribed in the upper right. They are the iconic supermodels Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford, and Naomi Campbell. In another model painting, Marshall juxtaposed the image of the female black models face with those of blonde white models. Mastry In 2016, Kerry James Marshalls work was the subject of the historically significant retrospective Mastry at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. The exhibition covered 35 years of Marshalls work with nearly 80 pieces displayed. It was an unprecedented celebration of the work of an African-American artist. In addition to its overt celebration of the black experience in America, many observers saw Kerry James Marshalls work as a reaction to the movement of much of the art establishment away from traditional painting. Unlike celebrated experiments in minimalist and conceptual art, Marshall creates his works with an eye toward arranging his subject matter in ways that stretch back to the traditions of art from the Renaissance era. Kerry James Marshall has explained that he is more interested in being a painter than creating art. When the Mastry exhibition traveled to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, Kerry James Marshall selected 40 works from the museums permanent collection that he particularly valued as inspiration. The exhibit within an exhibit was titled Kerry James Marshall Selects. Public Works Controversy In 2018, Kerry James Marshalls paintings made headlines in two controversies over the value of public art contrasted with the benefit of public services that could be provided with money earned from sales of the art. In May, the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority of Chicago sold the monumental piece Past Times to rap artist and entrepreneur Sean Combs for $21 million. The original purchase price was $25,000. The piece previously hung in the McCormick Place convention center on public display. The money earned from the auction provided a windfall to the budget of the public agency. Even more controversial was the announcement by Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel that the city would sell the 1995 Kerry James Marshall painting Knowledge and Wonder. It hung on the wall in one of the citys public library branches. Commissioned for $10,000, experts pegged the value of the painting at somewhere near $10 million. Emmanuel planned to use the funds from the sale to expand and upgrade a branch of the library on the citys west side. After intense criticism from the public and the artist himself, the city withdrew plans to sell the work in November 2018. Source Tate, Greg, Charles Gaines, and Laurence Rassel. Kerry James Marshall. Phaidon, 2017.