Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Pastry chef jacques torres Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pastry chef jacques torres - Research Paper Example â€Å"Chef Jacques Torres†). He spent eight years under the guidance of French chef Jacques Maximin at Hotel Negresco. He used to attend the classes during his off time. After completing the classes, he was also trained at Cannes Culinary School. While he was working in the hotel, he had participated in various prestigious food events. He received various honors and awards such as he achieved gold medal from Japanese Pastry Chef Association as well as at French Championship of Desserts (Torres, â€Å"Jacques’ Early Years†). 2.0 Beginning and Earliest Jobs In France, Jacques Torres had worked in a bakery shop named La Frangiapane as a trainer. After completing his training for 2 years as a pastry trainer, he shifted his job in Hotel Negresco which was located at Nice, France. He worked there for 8 years. Subsequently, for a few years he had worked to earn his degree as Master Pastry Chef. In the year 1980, Jacques Torres was encouraged by the prestigious Ritz-Carl ton and motivated himself towards the US, first to Palm Spring followed by Atlanta. After that period he then moved to work as Pastry Chef in the kitchen of Le Cirque restaurant in New York. This was a reputed French restaurant (Culinary Schools. Org. â€Å"World-Class Pastry Chef: Chocolatier Jacques Torres†). He received honor of the Confederation of Japan. He then joined Ritz-Carlton hotels to work as corporate pastry chef. He also trained other chefs across the US. He used to conduct occasional classes of FCI during the year 1993 when he was working in Le Cirque. He taught classes twice a month and managed entire curriculum for improvement (Sailhac, A., â€Å"French Culinary Institute's Salute to Healthy Cooking†). In 1989, he was inveigled to Le Cirque. His regular job in Le Cirque was to serve celebrities, royals, clients and friends along with those who loved his creations. Success had come early for Jacques Torres due to his talent, dedication, and willpower to come up with â€Å"something new, something else, always, always†. It was always an assurance to offer sweet surprises from him. He offered ’champagne truffles’, ‘bars of chocolate’, ‘covered chocolates’, ‘items for weddings and events’, and also ‘Jacques Torres chocolates’ (Torres, â€Å"Great Chefs Jacques Torres†). 3.0 Current Business Jacques Torres was French chocolatier; he has become a well known chocolate entrepreneur after his extensive efforts in his work with restaurant industry. At present, the entrepreneur produces confections from chocolate crunch puffs to Champagne truffles. Nowadays, he makes both chocolate delicacies and produced chocolate from cocoa beans. He has created and sold his own line handcrafted chocolate as well as various others high-end confectionary products to his four factories and retail locations in New York along with retail enterprise in Atlantic City at Harrahâ€⠄¢s Casino (The Sun Winefest ’12, â€Å"About Jacques Torres†). He became owner of his own chocolate shops in the year 2000 by opening a modernized warehouse with a cobble stone street in DUMBO section of Brooklyn. Jacques Torres opened his second location featuring a state-of-the-art chocolate manufacturing plant. In this place, the customers can observe the process of transformation of cocoa bean to chocolate

Monday, October 28, 2019

Value-Neutrality Paper Associated with Counseling Essay Example for Free

Value-Neutrality Paper Associated with Counseling Essay When working in the counseling field, one must remain neutral about issues that a client is suffering from. A counselor should not criticize a client for what he or she may believe in and should make ethical decisions when dealing with his or her clients. Within this paper, one will locate personal beliefs on ethical decisions, factors that might lead a counselor to referring a client to another counselor and, what would a counselor do if a referral is not an option. As a counselor, remaining value-neutral to a client’s situation should always be practiced with ethical decision-making. A counselor should remain neutral to all issues that a client is in session for to give the client the necessary help that is needed. If a counselor expresses moral judgment to a client in regards to his or her issue, the client can become resistant to the therapy session and the counselor. A client comes to the counselor because they are looking for help not to be judged or looked at negatively (Module 3 Lecture). With the issues stated above, I would be able to have a therapy session with a client, even though I am against all of the issues. Personally, I would stay away from my own values and beliefs so that no problems will arise within our counseling relationship. An example is that if I were to use my own values in a therapeutic session with a client, it would be only to allow the client to see that I was not successful with a similar issue they are facing. Out of nine ethical-decision making models that were created for counselors, no two models were alike but had similarities. Most of the models stated for one to identify the problem, consult the ethic codes, think about the consequences of the decision, and choose what is best for the client (Remley Herlihy, 2010). With ethical-decision making, as a counselor one must integrate a model that fits them personally to help the client because no one model works for everyone. If a counselor is faced with a client who suffers from any of these issues, the counselor has to work with the client to help them with his or her situation. Be mindful to the issue that the client is facing and if you are not experienced and do not fully understand, get help from another counselor who is more experienced in that area. A factor that may lead a counselor to refer a client to another counselor is handled case by case for the best outcome for the client. Reasons would be, if the client has come to a counselor that is not trained to treat the condition the client needs help with, dual relationships, insurance reasons, financial abilities of an agency, or if the client and counselor is having difficulties relating. If referring a client was not an option, I would work with another counselor to gain the necessary knowledge that is needed to treat my client and make the situation professional (Module 3 Lecture).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Customer Relations and Interpersonal Skills :: essays research papers

Customer Relations and Interpersonal Skills In the food and Hospitality industry, Working with Colleagues and Customers is an important part of the job. Customer relations and interpersonal skills are the two most important skills that a person working in that industry will need to know about. Customer relations techniques include a number of skills, such as effective verbal and non-verbal communication, ability to ask relative questions, to be attentive, knowledge of different people and cultures, knowledge of where services and products are available from, problem-solving and decision making skills. Customer relations involve understanding the local and international visitors' needs, providing appropriate service, and handling complaints and feedback. Understanding the local and international visitors' needs involves catering for people from different cultures, backgrounds and upbringing's. For example, they might be from Japan where they are formal and punctual, or they might be from a Muslim upbringing where they fast between sunrise and sunset for the month of Ramadan. Through effective observing, listening and questioning, staff are able to accurately identify the customers needs and expectations. Staff should then ensure that these needs are met and exceed so the customer has an enjoyable time. Providing appropriate service to the customer is needed because the customer might be allergic to some foods such as MSG, wheat, food colourings or dairy products. Good service personal have these attributes effective verbal and non-verbal communication, sensitivity to special needs and anticipation of unexpressed needs, offering courteous service, advice and information, promoting establishment and its products, and promoting the local area and its attractions, Complaints are a good form of feedback. They're a few steps to follow in handling difficult situations. The first is to Focus and listen to the customer. The next is to be courteous and discreet, if possible take the customer away from others. Then suggest way(s) to fix the problem, if nothing can be done thank the customer for bring the problem to your attention. If you can't fix the problem go to somebody who can but stay there to make sure the problem is resolved. Then find the solution and implement it, then check the customer is happy and re-thank them for bring the problem to your attention. Last off all record the situation in your establishments logbooks. Interpersonal Skills involve immaculate personal presentation, outstanding communication skills, initiative in social interactions and good teamwork skills. These skills can be honed through team and individual sports, public speaking, acting and debating. Customer Relations and Interpersonal Skills :: essays research papers Customer Relations and Interpersonal Skills In the food and Hospitality industry, Working with Colleagues and Customers is an important part of the job. Customer relations and interpersonal skills are the two most important skills that a person working in that industry will need to know about. Customer relations techniques include a number of skills, such as effective verbal and non-verbal communication, ability to ask relative questions, to be attentive, knowledge of different people and cultures, knowledge of where services and products are available from, problem-solving and decision making skills. Customer relations involve understanding the local and international visitors' needs, providing appropriate service, and handling complaints and feedback. Understanding the local and international visitors' needs involves catering for people from different cultures, backgrounds and upbringing's. For example, they might be from Japan where they are formal and punctual, or they might be from a Muslim upbringing where they fast between sunrise and sunset for the month of Ramadan. Through effective observing, listening and questioning, staff are able to accurately identify the customers needs and expectations. Staff should then ensure that these needs are met and exceed so the customer has an enjoyable time. Providing appropriate service to the customer is needed because the customer might be allergic to some foods such as MSG, wheat, food colourings or dairy products. Good service personal have these attributes effective verbal and non-verbal communication, sensitivity to special needs and anticipation of unexpressed needs, offering courteous service, advice and information, promoting establishment and its products, and promoting the local area and its attractions, Complaints are a good form of feedback. They're a few steps to follow in handling difficult situations. The first is to Focus and listen to the customer. The next is to be courteous and discreet, if possible take the customer away from others. Then suggest way(s) to fix the problem, if nothing can be done thank the customer for bring the problem to your attention. If you can't fix the problem go to somebody who can but stay there to make sure the problem is resolved. Then find the solution and implement it, then check the customer is happy and re-thank them for bring the problem to your attention. Last off all record the situation in your establishments logbooks. Interpersonal Skills involve immaculate personal presentation, outstanding communication skills, initiative in social interactions and good teamwork skills. These skills can be honed through team and individual sports, public speaking, acting and debating.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Australia has a policy of indefinite detention for asylum seekers. Do you feel this is a breach of human rights? Why or why not? Essay

The human rights of people in immigration detention are of special concern to the Commission because the right to liberty is a fundamental human right recognised in major human rights instruments to which Australia is a party, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The human rights of vulnerable groups – including children, asylum seekers and refugees – are given special protection under international law. The conditions for and treatment of people in immigration detention should comply with Australia’s international human rights obligations. These are contained in a range of international treaties the Australian Government has voluntarily become a party of. Under the Migration Act 1958, it is mandatory for any non-citizen in Australia without a valid visa to be detained, whether they arrive on the mainland or on an ‘excised offshore place’. These people – called ‘unlawful non-citizens’ under the Migration Act – may only be released from immigration detention if they are granted a visa or removed from Australia. Any asylum seeker who has arrived in an ‘excised offshore place’ by boat from 13 August 2012 onwards is potentially liable to transfer to a third country for processing of their claim for protection. Some of these asylum seekers have been transferred to Nauru and Manus Island in Papua New Guinea where they are in immigration detention. A large number of people who arrived in Australia from 13 August 2012 onwards remain in immigration detention in Australia. Some have been released on bridging visas. There is a well-established link between prolonged indefinite detention and serious mental health issues. Uncertainty about their future, lack of independence and loss of control over their lives, the monotony of life in detention, concern about family members still living in dangerous situations overseas, the impacts of past torture and trauma and witnessing the negative impacts of detention on other detainees all contribute to the deterioration of mental health and wellbeing. Detainees may experience a range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, cognitive problems, difficulties regulating their emotions, consistently behaving in a way that is not characteristic or normal, sleep-wake cycle reversal (suffering insomnia and an inability to sleep at night) and engaging in negative coping strategies such as self-harm. In serious cases, prolonged indefinite detention can lead to suicide. Alternatives to detention for asylum seekers are not only more humane than immigration detention, they have been found to be effective in managing risks to the community and far less costly than detention in closed facilities. Releasing asylum seekers from detention after they have passed initial health, identity and security checks, and allowing them to live in the community while their applications are processed, greatly reduces the human and financial costs of immigration detention while also ensuring that potential risks to the community to be managed effectively.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Investors Gain New Clout Essay

From the many problems now being experienced by the US in their economy and the way they conduct their businesses, legislators and other groups are turning to new ways to improve the old system and pull America’s economy out of its slump. The latest among these moves is the move by the legislative to give shareholders more power and control in placing and ousting members of the board of directors. This move has become an issue due to the shift in power in terms of whose interest is favored by the ruling. There are several different interests that exist in a company especially when individuals and groups within it make decisions. There are shareholder interests, employee interests, management interests and stakeholder interests that conflict with each other. The current issue highlights the conflicts that arise between the interests of the management and the shareholders as well as the different interests of the shareholders themselves. This is where the clash begins. On the one hand, those who approve of the new ruling maintain that their interests are being upheld especially because they are the ones who invested in the business. This forwards their main interest of the organization succeeding in the long term because of the investments they have put into the business. While the previous ruling handicaps small shareholders, this new rule gives them voice through the process of â€Å"proxy access† as long as they have at least 3% of the controlling stock. This will enable them to express their dissent and dissatisfaction in the board members and oust them especially if they think that the actions of the board are not appropriate. On the other hand, the interests of the management, will be challenged by the new ruling and could result in problems in implementation and efficiency. While the constitutionality and the perceived negative effects of this ruling are contestable, one thing is clear: big business that angered their investors would go under pressure and could find themselves rethinking their strategies. A noticeable thing about this change is the apparent relativity on how democracy is perceived. Before the ruling, many directors served as the signing body for the chief executives and other high ranking officers they are tasked to oversee. This brings into light the apparent control of CEOs and other executives regardless of how the owners of the company feel about their decisions. With owners finally having a measure of control to a fair and impartial opportunity to elect independent directors, many things are going to change in corporations starting with both the board and top management focusing, instead, on serving the interests of the shareholders as their priority. With the democratization of the shareholders as they are given more power, many in management will see such democratic procedures as a bane rather than the boon they have always perceived it to be. Business roundtables, in order to veil their attempts at skewing the corporate election processes to favor the corporation over substantial shareholder interests, have tried to stop such democratization of power within their systems. However, their efforts have recently been trumped by the â€Å"proxy access† rule. The new ruling has made corporate directors directly accountable to the actions of the company. This will result in (at least speculatively) the improvement of performances of the directors unless they want to be voted out of office and replaced by independent candidates chosen by the shareholders who are against their performance. This power is, however, a double-edged sword. Advancing the interests of shareholders who, among themselves, have different interests could prove to be an overly bureaucratic and cumbersome process where all sides would need to be appeased in order to incur no one’s wrath and be dismissed from the position they have been holding. With as little as 3%holding shares, corporate directors will have many parties to appease, which will require them to be very dynamic and charismatic, as well as having an overall good performance, if they want to stay on the board.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Edmund Halley and Halleys Comet †Astronomy Essay

Edmund Halley and Halleys Comet – Astronomy Essay Free Online Research Papers Edmund Halley and Halley’s Comet Astronomy Essay Edmund Halley was born on the twenty-ninth day of October 1656 in Haggerston, Shoreditch, England. As a young child, he was an avid astronomer. Halley showed remarkable interest in classics and mathematics. During his studies at Queen’s College Oxford, he was steadily becoming an expert astronomer. At the age of 19, Halley assisted Flamsteed, a wealthy man, with astronomy observations. Flamsteed commended Halley about his talent and dedication in a publication, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Throughout his studies at Oxford, Halley continued to embark on various important observations ranging from subjects of Mars, the Moon, Mercury, comets and constellations. Although Halley continued his observations, it is uncertain why Halley’s studies did not show importance because he gave up his studies. Throughout his career, Halley committed himself to science and discovery of astronomy. With the financial support provided through his father, Halley continued to build upon a notable reputation. His reputation had spread and support was evident when King Charles II submitted a letter to the East India Company requesting them to transport both Halley and an associate to St. Helena. While stationed at St. Helena for eighteen months, Halley continued to catalog the southern hemisphere constellations in relation to Flamsteed’s northern hemisphere constellation catalog. In addition to his cataloging, Halley discovered a star cluster in Centarus. For the next several years, Halley’s reputation continued to blossom. He was increasingly become a well-known and leading astronomers. It is interesting to note that although Halley did not complete his degree at oxford, his outstanding reputation was recognized by King Charles II when he commanded Halley graduate without taking the degree examinations. Halley’s remarkable accomplishments all ensued before the age of 22. Halley became interested in the path of the planets. By assessing Kepler’s third law, which states the ratio of the squares of the periods of any two planets revolving about the Sun is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their mean distances from the Sun, he believed that through Kepler’s third law that planets had an ecliptical orbit. Mathematically Kepler’s third law is defined as (T1/T2)2 = (r1/r2)3. Although, many did not support his theories, Sir Isaac Newton, a good friend of Halley, had attained proof that this was quite possible. Halley was confident in his support for Newton that he encouraged Newton to write Principia Mathematica, and in addition, Halley financially supported Newton’s publication. It is through Halley’s support and encouragement that one of the most renowned publications, Principia Mathematica, was possible. Later Halley began to examine the path of comets. Although Newton believed comets followed a parabolic path, Halley predicted through Newton’s newly devised law of universal gravitation and motion that the comet of 1682 was in fact the same comet which appeared in 1531 and 1607. He formulated that the same comet would resurface December 1758. Halley died before he could view the return of the comet of 1758. The comet was later named in honor of Halley for his discovery. His prominent prediction of the comet supported his theory that comets in fact follow an ecliptic path through orbit. He essentially revealed that the comet has a periodicity of seventy-six years. There have been five explorations of the Comet, three by the former USSR and two from Japan. Spacecraft Vega -1 and Vega-2, launched by the USSR in 1984, did a flyby of the Comet. Each spacecraft was equipped with a Halley flyby probe and a Venus descent module. Vega captured 1500 images of the comet’s nucleus at a distance of 8000 km. In addition, Giotto, another USSR mission, was launched on July 2, 1985. It approached within 540km +/- 40 km of the comet’s nucleus on March 13, 1986. Giotto’s mission consisted of several objectives: (1) obtain color photographs of the nucleus; (2) determine the elemental and isotopic composition of volatile components in the cometary coma, particularly parent molecules; (3) characterize the physical and chemical processes that occur in the cometary atmosphere and ionosphere; (4) determine the elemental and isotopic composition of dust particles; (5) measure the total gas-production rate and dust flux and size/mass distri bution and derive the dust-to-gas ratio; and, (6) investigate the macroscopic systems of plasma flows resulting from the cometary-solar wind interaction. Giotto was equipped with a multicolor camera which transmitted images to Earth before it was severely damaged by high speed dust or wind. Japan also contributed to the research of the Comet. The Japanese mission consisted of two similar spacecrafts, a test spacecraft called Sakigake and a Comet Halley encounter spacecraft called Suisei. The mission for Sakigake and Suisei was to fly by Halley’s Comet and study its effects on space environment. Suisei carried two prevalent scientific experiments, a UV imager (UVI) and a plasma experiment (ESP). The experiments were used to observe the solar wind plasma and cometary ions. Suisei passed the Comet twice on March 1 and March 8 of 1986. Although at this time, Suisei was unable to record anything due to the elongation angle. UV images of the comet’s hydrogen coma wer e documented continuously from November 26, 1985 until April 15, 1986. Suisei returned up to six UV images a day of Halley’s Comet. On March 8, 1986, the UVI was shut off and the solar wind instrument was activated, which was carried by Sakigake. Sakigake was equipped with three scientific experiments, a plasma wave probe (PWP), a solar wind experiment (SOW) and a magnetometer (IMF) Sakigake had a cometary flyby on March 11, 1986 The purpose the wave probe was to measure the solar wind and magnetic field as it flew by Halley’s Comet. Even though Sakigake passed Halley’s Comet it was did not carry any imaging instruments. When the SOW was activated cometary water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide ions were detected. Through the Sakigake spacecraft, the beginning of Halley’s Comet physical nature was unwinding. The nucleus is 16 x 8 x 8 km. Halley’s nucleus is dark. â€Å"It’s albedo is only about 0.03 making it darker than coal and one of the darkest objects in the solar system.† (Comet Halley, 2001) The density is low roughly 0.1 gm/cm3. It is probably porous maybe due to the its composition consisting of dirt or dust that are the remnants of the ice which has sublimed. Halley’s orbit is regular. It is predicted to return in 2061. This is accountable due to its period of 76 years. Halley’s Comet distance is equivalent to 0.587 AU. Its orbital eccentricity is 0.967. The orbital inclination is 162.24 °. Halley’s orbit is retrograde, orbital motion in a clockwise direction. As earlier indicated, Halley’s Comet in fact has an eclipical orbit. Research Papers on Edmund Halley and Halley’s Comet - Astronomy EssayEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyQuebec and CanadaArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)The Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionBringing Democracy to AfricaAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Assess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 Europe

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Write a Research Essay in Health Care #038; Demonstrate a Clear Academic Understanding of the Subject

How to Write a Research Essay in Health Care #038; Demonstrate a Clear Academic Understanding of the Subject The health care field is an extremely dynamic and complex area, and the healthcare parameters that are constantly changing make it too hard to write a winning research essay. By the time you are done with the essay in health care, some new unexpected study has already emerged and somehow changed everything in the subject you thought you were sure about. But the great news is that there is hope! While the literature in health care area may be in flux all the time, there are some recommendations that can help you create a powerful research essay on any health care topic within a minimum hassle and worries. Even though research essay writing in health care area may seem like a task that is impossible to cope with, it’s important that you’re able to show a strong understanding of academic healthcare theory and practice in writing. Let’s take a look at the advice below on how to go about a strong health care research essay. How to Choose a Health Research Essay Topic? Of course, if you were provided with a clear task to write text in a certain topic you won’t have to spend countless days trying to search for something crucial and interesting to research. You don’t need to decide on which health phenomenon or problem is more important today or what needs to be discussed at least in your project. If that’s the case, you have an opportunity to relax, and do research on the web or in a local library, and then have a rest. However, if you find yourself in the situation that is absolutely contrary, you will have to hunt for research essay ideas and browse through loads of essays’ samples. It is important to bring together all of your forces, turn on your inspiration, and start looking for the best ideas for writing. What do you think, what are the most popular health care topics at the moment? What is it that you see on TV or hear on the radio? Maybe you have already seen some interesting issues on the web sites like Healthcare Global or KidsHealth and have something in your mind. Whatever it is, the following recommendations will help you to focus on a particular thought or maybe change your mind completely. Now, let’s take a look at some of the research essay topics in the field of health care one by one. 1. Anorexia and Overweight When you write about health care, it’s impossible to forget about such devastating thing as overweight and anorexia. These are two highly debatable topics nowadays that have a lot to talk about: How to Manage Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa; Key Variables in the Development of Eating Disorders During the Adolescence; The Thinness Cult in the US Culture Today; The Feminism Effect on the Phenomenon of Anorexia; New Findings on Neuropsychology of Bulimia Nervosa. 2. Insomnia Today, insomnia is a burning issue since a lot of people suffer from it. The following research essay topics will cover various aspects that are related to insomnia somehow: Sleeping Pills: Harm, Placebo or Treatment? Effects of Speed Life Style on Healthy Sleep; Insomnia: The Key Causes and Effects; Insomnia and Circadian Rhythm Disorder; Alternative Insomnia Treatments. 3. Euthanasia The question of euthanasia has been always a hot topic all over the globe. While some countries find nothing wrong in this kind of merciful deal, the rest of the world is against it. If you have your research essay in health care due soon, consider working on this topic and develop it the best way possible: Euthanasia Its Moral Issues; Euthanasia: The Attitude to â€Å"Merciful Death† in Different Countries; Do People Have a Natural Right to Die? Can Death Be a Relief for a Human Being? Legalization of Euthanasia in the Third World Countries. Research for Health Care Research Essays Research essays that usually deserve the highest marks include information taken from trusted research articles, books and journals. This ensures that the topic of yours is deeply researched and supported by the reliable materials. This is especially important to the writers who work on the topics that have been previously discussed on various internet sources and published resources. Furthermore, disseminating research findings from scientific articles is highly crucial if you want to demonstrate strong understanding in your project. Search for additional information in the field of health care on electronic databases such as Medline and Pubmed. Structural Specifications for Research Essays in Health Care Although every other research essay will be different throughout your college education experience, successful essays will follow the same structure requirements all the time. Writing a successful research essay in health care depends on understanding the basic structure rules. The essay should start with an introduction that summarizes the way you plan to discuss the question and what course exactly your arguments are going to follow. The research essay on â€Å"Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents† will include the introduction that might sound, â€Å"This paper reviews child and adolescent mental disorders and associated long-term health risks. The first section argues that there is much overlap between the symptoms of metals disorders and the challenging emotions and behaviors of normal kids. Limitations of the possible measures are presented. The second section sums up the evidence on the relationship between adolescent (child) and adult adiposity†. Following on from this the body of the research essay will be presented according to the plan you set up in the introduction so that your arguments flow naturally from one to the next. Right after the presentation of your body, the concluding parts of the research essay in health care will summarize what you have said in your essay, and will include the message that you would like the readers to take away from your research. However, you have to make sure that the conclusions that you write don’t go far beyond the research you have done in your paper. Refine Your Arguments Once you have completed your first draft, you now have an opportunity to refine each argument, fact, idea, data or result in order to ensure they all address the essay research question. Besides, this stage is needed to see if the argument flows in a coherent manner. Among the useful methods that are popular among college students, you may choose the following: Leaving two or three days between accomplishing the first draft and writing the second draft; Reading the research essay out loud in order to ensure the paragraphs fit together; Comparing your research question to the arguments in your text to ensure you have achieved a logical progression. Stay away from Common Pitfalls When college professors are asked to mention some of the most common errors that students make in their research essays in health care, they usually mention the same weaknesses. To create a wonderful research essay in this area, the author should do his or her best to stay away from the following: Writing not in an academic but a journalistic style; Not appreciating theoretical controversies; Failing to answer the research question; Providing unsubstantiated claims; Lacking critical evaluation and analysis. Consult a Health Expert Writing a research essay in health care differs from the other types of academic assignments because in this case the writer is not allowed to make up stories or give his or her points of view. Only true life and scientifically supported research facts should be included on your pages. To get the grade that you like, there is no better way than to go and see a health care expert in the subject that you chose to research. Ask all the questions that you have during the next appointment with your doctor. If you have doctors or medical students among your friends, do not hesitate to interview them. Go to the sources like AXA PPP Healthcare for more answers. Plagiarism, Referencing and Demonstrating Originality Whenever you write a research essay in health care, it’s always important that you refer to each of the sources that you used to communicate your arguments, facts, data, and ideas. The writer has to do this both in the essay text and the reference part at the end. If you refer to the general theory that exists in health care literature, you can make the textual reference in the following ways: ‘Psychological safety (Amy Edmondson, 1999) and learning behavior in work teams must be strictly monitored’. ‘Amy Edmondson’s (1999) theory states that psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams must be strictly monitored’. All of the direct references to the text should be frames in special quotation marks. Besides, you have to provide the page numbers. For example: ‘Academic evidence shows there is a strong connection between ‘psychological safety’ and a culture of learning within an organization’. (Amy Edmondson, 1999, pp. S123). Provide every citation in the research essay text with a corresponding entry in the sections ‘References’ that should be placed at the end of the paper. In order to reference an article in a health care journal: Kuh, D., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Lynch, J., Hallqvist, J. and Power, C. (2003) Life course epidemi-ology, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 57: 778–83. To reference an article from an online journal: Division of Tuberculosis Elimination [Internet]. Atlanta: CDC; [updated 1999 Oct; cited 2006 Sep 19]. Self-study modules on Tuberculosis, Module 7: Confidentiality in Tuberculosis Control: Background. Available from: In order to reference a book: Bhopal, R.S. (2002). Concepts of Epidemiology: An Integrated Introduction to the Ideas, Theories, Principles and Methods of Epidemiology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Use Health Care Vocabulary Properly Just like in case with any other field of study, health care has its own vocabulary that the writer has to use widely. A good vocabulary will allow you to express what you mean exactly, in a concise and clear manner. What is more, economy with words is one of the basic characteristics of a research essay that deserves the best marks because the readers don’t like to waste their time on long and hard-to-understand sentences. So, your task is to express your points briefly and never include anything that could have been written in half the number of words. One of the best ways to make certain that the writer can communicate clearly and to the point is when he or she effectively and accurately uses the advanced vocabulary. If you are a good research essay writer, you should never rest on your laurels when the question is about the vocabulary. The thing here is that your vocabulary is something that you have to improve here and there since there are always new and unknown terms that help to communicate your points in a more effective manner. What is more, using a rich health care vocabulary proves the writer is intelligent and helps him or her remain persuasive no matter what. Read Other Writers’ Essays Just like the books and journals that you read subconsciously help you to work out your own special writing style, reading the essays written by the other students will help you develop your style in writing. Choose some of the best research essay in health care, including both the ones written by the academic and your peers. Read papers on a wide range of topics in your area of study, not necessarily just the ones that are related to your topic. The thing here is that different topics in health care might apply different types of styles and arguments. In other words, the more you read, the more possible techniques and methods there are for you to take and use in your own writing. We hope that you have found these simple recommendations and techniques useful and that each of them will help you to know more about the field of health care.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sapient and Savor

Sapient and Savor Sapient and Savor Sapient and Savor By Mark Nichol Sapient and savor are cognates (words with the same origin)- which shouldn’t be surprising, as they both pertain to being perceptive. These words, and the others discussed below, derive from the Latin verb sapere, meaning â€Å"taste† or â€Å"have a flavor.† Savor, from the same Old French word, is both a noun and a verb, though the former is rare; that form refers to having a good smell or taste or to a quality that makes something enjoyable or interesting, while the verb means â€Å"enjoy for a long time.† The adjectival form, savory, means â€Å"pleasant smelling or tasting† but also applies to foods that are salty or spicy but not sweet. By extension, something savory is morally acceptable; the antonym, unsavory, is more common. A related, though rare, term is sapid; similarly, insipid, its opposite, is more widely employed, though it is more likely to be used to mean â€Å"boring† or â€Å"dull† in reference to a person’s personality rather than â€Å"lacking in flavor.† Savoir faire, adopted into English directly from French, stems from the French verb savoir, meaning â€Å"know†; it means, basically, â€Å"knowing the right thing to do† in the sense of acting appropriately in society. (Faire is derived from the Latin verb facere, meaning â€Å"do,† which is also the source of fact.) A similar French term, savoir vivre (literally, â€Å"knowing how to live elegantly†), likewise made its way into English but is much less well known. A savant is â€Å"a learned person,† which is its definition in the original French. The phrase â€Å"idiot savant† was applied, starting in the late nineteenth century, to someone who has what is now referred to as savant syndrome, a condition in which a person with a mental disability nevertheless demonstrates exceptional skills in mathematics, memory, or art or music. (Idiot, ultimately from Greek, originally referred to an ignorant person but then became a classification of mental ability; it has come almost full circle in meaning.) The term savvy, which refers to practical intelligence (and is employed as a verb meaning â€Å"know† or â€Å"understand†), started out as pidgin developed in parallel from the French phrase savez-vous, meaning â€Å"Do you know?† and the Spanish phrase sabe usted, meaning â€Å"You know.† Sapient, borrowed directly from French, means â€Å"wise†; the binomial nomenclature for the human race is Homo sapiens (literally, â€Å"human being wise†). A neologism, sapiosexual (apparently coined in the late 1990s), refers to someone attracted to highly intelligent people. Sage, descended from an Old French word spelled the same way, was originally an adjective meaning â€Å"wise† but came to be used as a noun as well to refer to a wise person. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Is Irony? (With Examples)Do you "orient" yourself, or "orientate" yourself?How to Punctuate Introductory Phrases

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Global Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5

Global Marketing Strategy - Essay Example according to Oviatt & McDougall (1997) has also become easier through advancement in telecommunications, video conferencing as well as satellite technology. The location and logistical system of the country, its wide strategy of innovation and the proper organisation between the private and public sector creates a very friendly environment for companies that intend to operate in the country. In addition, good culture on creativity, coordination as well as reliability, exceptional economic conditions and a leading technology sector in terms of agro-food, the country is capable of providing the most important incentives for innovation and a choice for the business (Van der Meer 2007). Netherlands is suitable for the business since the country has a developed, prosperous and outward looking financial system that has recognition for having very stable industrial relations, modest rate of inflation and satisfactory equitable distribution of income in the country. Historically, government intervention in business activities has been very low. In addition, the workforce in the country is well educated, trained, flexible and highly motivated to produce the highest level of profitability in business operations. Above all, language barrier is not a serious problem since the country is one among the main multilingual in the globe (Arndt & Kierzkowski 2001). Having more than ten percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) and more than twenty percent of the industrial exports, whole food is among the most profitable sectors in the country. The government recognises the whole food as one of the most important sectors in the country. The sector is one among those, which gets a priority from all private as well as public stakeholders with a combined strategic planning that aims at achieving social, sustainable as well as economic targets. The whole food chain, right from the seeds to the consumer, has an extremely strong appearance in the country (Tansey & Rajotte 2008). In

Friday, October 18, 2019

Effects Of Media On The UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Effects Of Media On The UAE - Essay Example Now in this era of increasing media penetration how children are brought up is a lot different; their childhoods are spend playing with toy guns (no wonder this is where all the violence stems in) and as they grow up they become cruel young men who believe life is nothing but a war zone which can be conquered with their â€Å"toy guns† (Wellisch 2000). Television is that source of the media which affects our society most strongly. When I say strongly, I mean it because of a research by Emerson Statistics, 2000, show that on average a person who subscribes to cable in Dubai watches television more than 6 hours a day! Everyone knows of the success story of Dubai; it used to be a desert not until long ago, till the Sheikhs invested some money in developing this city and what you see now is one of the megacities of the world! Foreign media played an important change in this development of Dubai from a desert to a city, then a mega city and now eventually a media and fashion hub! T he effects foreign media has on the UAE are countless. It has changed peoples’ lifestyle, how to perceive things, what they study and how they study and even more their aspect towards life! Bryant, J., & Thompson, S. (2002). Fundamentals of media effects give this situation: An Arab wife, previously she used to sit in the home and settle all the household chores so that when her family came home in the afternoon, they could all spend quality time. As time passed, American television channels opened in UAE and that made the Arab women know about the American culture (where husband and wife both go to work). And now If you see an Arab wife in this era, they don’t perceive life as to staying at home and waiting for their family to come back while they settle their chores.

National Response Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

National Response Plan - Assignment Example as formed, 2005, Hurricane Katrina exposed a number of problems with the National Response Plan including two issues with the Catastrophic Incident Annex. The annex was purposely established to quicken government’s upbeat response to tragic incidents, and set protocols of pre-identifying and urgently deploying essential resources incase such an incident occurs. There are two issues that significantly contributed to the political decision to overlook the implementation of the entire National Response Plan, especially the Catastrophic Incident Annex. The first one was contravenes on the role of Catastrophic Incident Annex. For instance, there were questions on whether the annex had the capability of handling catastrophic incidences of higher magnitudes like hurricane strengthening. The second one was the power and authority assigned to the Catastrophic Incident Annex. The National Response Plan did not clearly draw to what extent the Catastrophic Incident Annex was to be involved in response acceleration. For example, it was not clear whether the Annex was in a position to authorize any legal activities in case of a catastrophic event. These arguments led the public to criticize the credibility of the Annex in responding to terrorist attacks (Jenkins, 2009). In conclusion, this paper gives a clear description of the issues that led to the National Response Plan not to be implemented regardless its comprehensiveness. In this case, the main focus is on the two issues that contributed to a decision not to execute the Catastrophic Incident Annex according to Hurricane

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Week 10 Question 2 Part 2 Looking Ahead Assignment

Week 10 Question 2 Part 2 Looking Ahead - Assignment Example If debt financing cannot be avoided, the government needs to ensure that the economy can be able to support the repayment of the debt. This knowledge will help me give wise and informed advice on any investment decision taken. The knowledge acquired in this course on budgeting also proves to be viable in my position. I plan to apply the skills from this topic in ensuring that the decision on expenditure helps my office meet its targets. The government normally allocates a certain amount of funds to its branches in a financial year. This course has helped me to appreciate how crucial it is to have budgets in order to ensure that all targets are met. Budgets work by apportioning money according to projects or activities, and the periods under which they need to be completed. This helps in avoiding overspending and also helps in finishing projects in time (Pratt, 2002). An individual who has no financial background could use what is learned in finance in making better decisions. For example, looking at risks and the assessment of risks, this individual can be able to determine how risky it is to invest in a company by looking at the general view of the company (Chong, 2004). This may by looking at cases of corporate mismanagement in the company that indicate high risk. This individual can also be able to know the performance of a company by looking at the performance of the company or by relying on investors’ reactions. For example, a company that is not performing well will have reports that show poor performance. Investors will also react by shying away from investing in the

Marketing trend (Internet and online marketing) Assignment

Marketing trend (Internet and online marketing) - Assignment Example It will also discuss how these online marketing trends effects on the consumer buying process and its relevant impacts. There are several online marketing trends in the business world. Some of the most common trends include deals and rewards, mobile push marketing, mobile pull marketing, proximity marketing, local online marketing, globalization and three-screen marketing among others (Caroline, 2004). The buying behavior of consumers is acknowledged as a contemporary topic in online marketing. This is because the e-marketers usually focus on the influence they have on their marketing efforts and web experience. Furthermore, the e-marketers are supposed to understand their role in shaping up the virtual experience of their customers (Caroline, 2004). Business experts point out that the most crucial step in online marketing involves the capability of having the maximum impact on the internet users. The buying process of the consumers is also described as a learning procedure which involves decision making and processing the required information. The internet has drastically affected and changed the buying process as numerous products continue to be advertized through the internet (Whitehead, 2009). Marketers should, therefore, try to understand the internet and how they might use it to their advantage to increase sells, as well as buying decisions. These days, a majority of consumers do not follow the customary purchasing route of going out to shop for their products (Whitehead, 2009). The purchasing route was a significant guideline to marketers on how to plan their proceedings. A purchasing channel was the trend for many years, and then came the internet. In the purchasing channel, consumers started with the potential brands and then singled down to the most the product with great quality. Back in the days, the purchasing channel sounded logical to both the marketers and consumers. It was a proper way of locating the product that a person

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Week 10 Question 2 Part 2 Looking Ahead Assignment

Week 10 Question 2 Part 2 Looking Ahead - Assignment Example If debt financing cannot be avoided, the government needs to ensure that the economy can be able to support the repayment of the debt. This knowledge will help me give wise and informed advice on any investment decision taken. The knowledge acquired in this course on budgeting also proves to be viable in my position. I plan to apply the skills from this topic in ensuring that the decision on expenditure helps my office meet its targets. The government normally allocates a certain amount of funds to its branches in a financial year. This course has helped me to appreciate how crucial it is to have budgets in order to ensure that all targets are met. Budgets work by apportioning money according to projects or activities, and the periods under which they need to be completed. This helps in avoiding overspending and also helps in finishing projects in time (Pratt, 2002). An individual who has no financial background could use what is learned in finance in making better decisions. For example, looking at risks and the assessment of risks, this individual can be able to determine how risky it is to invest in a company by looking at the general view of the company (Chong, 2004). This may by looking at cases of corporate mismanagement in the company that indicate high risk. This individual can also be able to know the performance of a company by looking at the performance of the company or by relying on investors’ reactions. For example, a company that is not performing well will have reports that show poor performance. Investors will also react by shying away from investing in the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Linguist studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Linguist studies - Essay Example The external and internal conjunctive relations of both texts were analyzed by means of a conjunctive reticulum (See Appendix). The analysis of conjunctive relations shows a combination of two kinds of logical relations. The positive review is mainly held together by extending relations of addition (in general, by the conjunction and). The enhancing relations play an important role as well, since there are many time and causal conjunctions. For example: According to Eggins (1994), the enhancing relations represent the typical narrative pattern, where the narrator concerns on when things happened and why. It is important to note that a movie review has a narrative and expositive character as well. It is narrative when the plot is introduced, and expositive, when the reviewer expresses his opinion on the film and describes the positive and negative aspects of a movie. Similarly, the negative review alternates between extension and enhancement, with more focus on the last one. The plot of the movie has less space in the review, since the reviewer remarks the movie features that he did not find appropriate, by comparing with other films and The Simpsons TV show. Therefore, causal and comparative conjunctions are often used. The logical relations derive basically from an external organization of the text in both reviews. The events beyond the text (i.e. movie, actors, writers, directors) are linked by external conjunctions. At the same time, most of the relations are stamped explicitly, rather than left for the reader to decode. It is important to note that most of the internal relations are implicit, that is, the reader must interpret the internal organization of the text. Implicit elaborating relations (expressed by that is, or in fact), typical of the internal organization, could be identified in the analyzed texts. In a broad sense, both texts represent the same field: a present-day movie. The specific topic of each one is the movie concerned by the

Bank of America case analysis Essay Example for Free

Bank of America case analysis Essay Problem statement The main problem in this case is that whether bank of America add the complicate app and add more new features or not. If they add the new complexity application, it could cost lot of money, and it could also give their users some negative effect. Like the case described â€Å"it is unclear if users were ready to sign up for mortgages or credit cards on their mobile phones.† BofA concerns about how the mobile banking affect their customers. Because behavioral factor is very important that made people to accept the new things reluctantly or not. From the market survey we know that there are three main reasons that people not to use the mobile banking: concerns of security, cost of data, less value. So if bank of America want to add their new app or add more futures, they should cope with those three factors at first. Recommendation I think bank of America should add new apps, because they can get improvement about their customer loyalty and satisfaction, and they can gain more market share form this way. If they didn’t build it, maybe they will behind that of other banks. Another reason is that with the development of the communication technology, there will be have full of the customers have their smartphone rather than the regular phones, so it can give bank of America more confidence to add app for smartphone customers. One of the most reasons for people not using mobile banking is the security concern. So how to improve security on people’s mobile devices has become a very important thing. They can make an external device for their mobile banking. The external device can insert into the headphone jack on smartphone. After the connection, customer should slide their card, and then system will be prompted to enter some personal authentication information, and then will send a message for their s martphone to get the verification code before use the mobile banking to do their account activities. Customer can get this external device for free if they open an account at bank of America. But if they lost it they should pay it for $30 to get another. This external device can make sure that customers dont have to worry about security issues. With this security problem solved, BofA will gain more customers and more market shares.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Advertising Is The Non Personal Communication Of Information Marketing Essay

Advertising Is The Non Personal Communication Of Information Marketing Essay One definition of advertising is: Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.(Bovee, 1992, p. 7) Now lets take this statement apart and see what it means. Advertising is bringing a product and service to the attention of potential and current customers. Advertising is focused on one particular product or service. Thus, an advertising plan for one product might be very different than that for another product. Advertising is typically done with signs, brochures, commercials, direct mailings or e-mail messages, personal contact, etc. The first assumption that was queried related to purchasing itself, in terms of what advertising would achieve if it was effective. This assumption was advertising achieved the conversion. In the sense of converting loyal user of the other brand to loyal users of the brand advertised. We pointed out that this pattern, although it could on occasion be f9und in actual purchasing sequences, was actually quite rare. It also happen in this case: I have always bought brand B, but now I have the advertising for brand A has persuaded me that it is better in fulfill my requirement under the advertisement, so in future I will buy brand A The advertisement pointed out that strengthen of the product which mean its communicating with the people. First, what is non-personal advertising? There are two basic ways to sell anything: personally and non-personally. Personal selling requires the seller and the buyer to get together. There are advantages and disadvantages to this. The first advantage is time: the seller has time to discuss in detail everything about the product. The buyer has time to ask questions, get answers, and examine evidence for or against purchase. Next, the seller can easily locate potential buyers. If you enter a store, you probably have an interest in something that store sells. Street vendors and door-to-door sellers can simply shout at possibilities, like McDonalds retailer shop who call out, I say there, I would like to order food?, or knock at the door and start their spiel with an attention grabber. From there on they fit their message to the individual customer, taking all the time a customer is willing to give them. Disadvantages do exist. Personal selling is, naturally enough, expensive, since it is labor-intensive and deals with only one buyer at a time. Just imagine trying to sell chewing gum or guitar picks one-on-one; it would cost a dollar a stick or pick. In addition, its advantage of time is also a disadvantage. Personal selling is time-consuming. Selling a stereo or a car can take days, and major computer and airplane sales can take years. Nonetheless, although personal selling results in more rejections than sales, and can be nerve-racking, frustrating and ego destroying for the salesperson, when the salesperson is good it is more directed and successful than advertising. From the above, it appears that personal selling is much better than advertising, which is non-personal. This is true. Advertising has none of the advantages of personal selling: there is very little time in which to present the sales message, there is no way to know just who the customer is or how them is responding to the message, the message cannot be changed in mid-course to suit the customers reactions. Then why bother with advertising? Because its advantages exactly replace the disadvantages of personal selling and can emulate some of the advantages. First lets look at the latter. First, advertising has, comparatively speaking, all the time in the world. Unlike personal selling, the sales message and its presentation does not have to be created on the spot with the customer watching. It can be created in as many ways as the writer can conceive, be rewritten, tested, modified, injected with every trick and appeal known to affect consumers. (Some of the latter is the content of this book.) Second, although advertisers may not see the individual customer, nor be able to modify the sales message according to that individuals reactions at the time, it does have research about customers. The research can identify potential customers, find what message elements might influence them, and figure out how best to get that message to them. Although the research is meaningless when applied to any particular individual, it is effective when applied to large groups of customers. Third, and perhaps of most importance, advertising can be far cheaper per potential customer than personal selling. Personal selling is extremely labor-intensive, dealing with one customer at a time. Advertising deals with hundreds, thousands, or millions of customers at a time, reducing the cost per customer to mere pennies. In fact, advertising costs are determined in part using a formula to determine, not cost per potential customer, but cost per thousand potential customers. Thus, it appears that advertising is a good idea as a sales tool. For small ticket items, such as chewing gum and guitar picks, advertising is cost effective to do the entire selling job. For large ticket items, such as cars and computers, advertising can do a large part of the selling job, and personal selling is used to complete and close the sale. Advertising is non-personal, but effective. Facebook advertising method The red arrow showing the Facebook advertisement People treat Facebook as an authentic part of their lives, so you can be sure you are connecting with real people with real interest in your products. Facebook Ads provided CM Photographic the ability to target their exact demographic 24-30 year old women whose relationship status on Facebook indicated that they were engaged. Over 12 months, CM Photographic generated nearly $40,000 in revenue directly from a $600 advertising investment on Facebook. Of the Facebook users who were directed to CM Photographic website from the ads, 60% became qualified leads and actively expressed interest in more information. I have found [Facebook Ads] SO effective. My business wouldnt be anywhere close to where it is today if it werent for Facebook, and the ads campaign. Chris Meyer, President From the information given, Facebook Ads makes it easy and cost-effective to quickly set up and manage your campaign. G5 found success setting up a series of Facebook Ad campaigns targeted to college students at 21 campuses prior to Summer break for StorQuest self-service storage facilities. Real-time suggested bids for our auction-based system provided guidance that enabled G5 to hone ad effectiveness based on their various targeting filters (age, college level and location). The results from StorQuests Facebook ad campaign were one of their highest performing online advertising efforts: Over 50% increase in total rentals versus prior year at the same store. 10% conversion rate from visits originating from Facebook Ads. On par with Google AdWords on a cost-per-lead and cost-per-customer basis. $1.25 CPC delivered $10.25 cost-per-lead. When you have a broader presence on Facebook with Facebook Pages or Facebook Events plus ads for instance, you can turn your advertising message into a trusted referral by including content from a users friends who are already affiliated with your products. ANA took this approach by creating a Facebook Page to acquire interested users for on-going messaging opportunities and developing a compelling advertising campaign. ANA used a creative grouping of keywords to target advertising to users specifically interested in traveling and Japanese culture and developed ad creative that resonated with their audience. Average campaigns for ANA result in CTR of 8 12%. Facebook Ads resulted in a 25% CTR. Conversions resulted in positive ROI which is unique for ANA considering their product is not an impulse purchase for most people and Japan is not traditionally seen as a leisure destination. If the company is running a Facebook Ad Campaign, they can choose to target Social Actions in their campaigns. With this feature enabled, those people who fan the Page may see the Ad listed among their News Feeds. Companies can also use the Facebook messaging system to communicate with their fans. Banner advertising method The Arrow showing the banner advertising method A banner ad is an image shown on a webpage for advertising purposes. Along with animation, contemporary ad banners often use simple forms of interaction as a lure, taking advantage of  plug-ins  such as  Flash  and  Shockwave  to create banner-based games. As you can see, advertisers came to the conclusion that banner ads were not as effective as full-page magazine ads or 30-second TV commercials. At the same time, there was an incredible glut of advertising space, thousands of sites had a million or more page impressions available per month, and companies like  DoubleClick  began collecting these sites into massive pools of banner-ad inventory. The economic principle of supply and demand works the same way on the Web as it does everywhere else, so the rates paid for banner advertising began to plummet. Undoubtedly you know what banner ads are; youve seen innumerable ones as youve surfed across countless websites. You may have already clicked on a number of them. Banner ads take different shapes and sizes, and many forms and styles, but they share a common goal: attracting visitors! Banner ads usually contain graphics, sometimes they are entirely text and others they use graphics and text. The main idea of a banner ad is to present an interesting idea to the surfer and have them click on it for more information, leading them to the advertisers site. Banner ads come in many sizes, the most popular, is a full banner (468 x 60), but all styles are used. Some people claim you should stay away from using full banner ads as they are already so common that most surfers avoid them. Obviously placing banners that advertise your site on other websites costs money. There are several ways of paying for this type of advertising. You may pay per click on the banner; per thousand clicks; per sales to visitors directed to you, or another form. How much banner ads work for you will depend on a variety of things? Where you place the ads, how relevant the sites hosting the ad are to your site; what your ads look like, how appealing they are; how clear they are about what you are advertising, etc. Placing the ads on sites related to yours is vitally important, i.e. people surfing for watches will probably not be interested in an ad for parachutes. Your ads should be attractive, preferably animated, clear and to the point. They should be advertising a specific product or service, not just the name of your site. People who click on the ad should be able to find the product or service in question with relative ease. Ideally, the ad should lead directly to it. Pop-up advertising method A pop-up ad is an ad that pops up in its own window when you go to a page. It obscures the Web page that you are trying to read, so you have to close the window or move it out of the way. Pop-under ads are similar, but place themselves under the content you are trying to read and are therefore less intrusive. A typical site with two pop-up ads that appear on top of the home page A pop-up ad is a pop-up window used for advertising. When the program is initiated by some user action, such as a mouse click or a  mouse over  , a window  containing an offer for some product or service appears in the foreground of the visual interface. Like all pop-ups, a pop-up ad is smaller than the background interface windows that fill the user interface are called replacement interfaces and usually resembles a small browser window with only the close, minimize, and maximize options at the top. A variation on the pop-up ad, the pop-under  , is a window that loads behind the Web page that youre viewing, only to appear when you leave that Web site. Pop-up and pop-under ads annoy many users because they clutter up the desktop and take time to close. However, they are much more effective than banner ads. Whereas a banner ad might get two to five clicks per 1,000 impressions, a pop-up ad might average 30 clicks. Therefore, advertisers are willing to pay more for pop-up and pop-under ads. Typically, a pop-up ad will pay the Web site four to 10 times more than a banner ad. That is why you see so many pop-up ads on the Web today. Pop-up windows come in many different shapes and sizes, typically in a scaled-down browser window with only the Close, Minimize and Maximize commands. There is a strong resentment by some Web surfers towards pop-up ads. Marketers often do not realize the ill-will generated by pop-ups because it is easier to click the close button than send an email to complain. What  can often be seen is an above-average click-through rate, although some of this can come from false positives, unintentional clicks when the pop-up gets in the way of the desired target. Advertisers can get a better picture of the effectiveness of pop-up advertising by paying attention to conversion rates and return on investment (ROI). Pop-up ads are not popular with the average Web surfer, and there are several products that disable them, such as Pop-up Stopper, Pop-up Killer, and Pop-up Annihilator. One thing to look for in such a program is the ability to differentiate between user-initiated pop-up windows and others, because many other applications (such as  Webcast  s, for example) make use of pop-up windows. If a pop-up stopper utility cant tell the difference between a pop-up window that the user has requested and an unsought pop-up ad, the program may cause more problems for the user than it solves. The advantage and disadvantage of Facebook advertising method CHAN JIA JUN And remember how the way to improve this method to attract the eye of people and other u can understand The advantage and disadvantage of Banner advertising method Chan JIA JUN And remember how the way to improve this method to attract the eye of people and other u can understand The advantage and disadvantage of pop-out advertising method Chan Jia Jun And remember how the way to improve this method to attract the eye of people and other u can understand Conclusion Lai kai lin Need to cover and mention u The different between online and common advertisement What you more prefer on (common and online)+ why If only have 3 type of method that I mention, what online advertising method you will choosing Reference Link Pop-out ads method Facebook ads mathod Lai kai lin This no need do

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Review on Black Comedy :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Journal Entry for â€Å"Black Comedy† Dear Journal:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have never been so exhausted in my entire life and now I have time to sleep and do some schoolwork. I know this is a day late and I am sorry, but Sunday I just couldn’t function anymore.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the production of â€Å"Black Comedy† I learned how to speak with a Standard British and Cockney dialect, was able to participate in the erection and demolition of a big set, and realized how much actors rely on each other during a performance. This production was hard, but an enjoyable learning experience. Never in my life had I used a British accent or a Cockney, now that I think of it. It was really hard for me to get that all down. Chris really did his job by pounding it away into our brains with all the packets and tapes. I had to watch â€Å"My Fair Lady† to get that wonderful Cockney down. Dialect work was the topic of our second rehearsal with little comments throughout the production.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oh what a lovely set we had! With some measurements that were missing or wrong. All Hail Jim! I really enjoyed being a part of the group and helping put the set together. I was so glad to hear that there would be a second work call because I hadn’t been able to attend the first. We started out that morning by putting the upstairs platform up, the stairs, the flats, and then paint. We ended that night by painting the stage a nice brown color and we were out of there at eleven o’clock. It took an awfully long time to put the set up, yet it took about three and a half hours to pull it all down. It was all over when all there was left to do was sweep the floor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since this was only my second play I realized that with a small cast as â€Å"Black Comedy† had each actor must work together and know the other actors’ lines. When someone would miss or forget a line, another actor would have to either help them get back to where they should be or go with it. I learned just how important cue lines were in this production. They tell you were you should be in your blocking, in the play, and who’s line is next. A way that helped me learn my lines this time around was when I thought I knew them I would write them down and then go back over them with the script in my hand.

Friday, October 11, 2019

023 Understand Child and Young Person development Essay

Age range Explain the sequence and rate of development 0-3 months When born, babies show innate reflexes, such as swallowing and sucking, rooting reflex, grasp reflex, startle reflex, walking and standing reflex; in the first month babies become less curled up and the startle reflex is starting to fade; toward the end of the third month babies start lifting and turning their heads. 3-6 months When lying on front babies can lift their arms and legs balancing on their tummies; they can reach and grab a toy and they can pass it from one hand to another; they can also roll from their backs to front; around sixth month babies are becoming able to sit with support (e. g. high chair). 6-9 months Babies can sit without support; they are beginning to crawl or find other ways of being mobile (bottom-shuffling); starting to use fingers to feed. 9-12 months Babies are becoming very mobile, fast crawling, standing up by the furniture, some babies walk along the furniture using their hands to hold on; developing abilities to handle objects and putting them into containers; babies able to feed themselves with fingers. 1-2 years At the beginning of this period babies are beginning to walk and around 18 months they are becoming more and more skilful on their feet, moving faster; toddlers around this age begin to sit and push with their legs to move on the sit-and-ride toys. Towards their second year children walk confidently, they can run and climb; towards the end of the second year some children are becoming ready to start potty training. 2-4 years In the third year children start potty training; they become able to push with feet or peddle a tricycle; children can walk upstairs alternating their feet; towards the end of the this period children are skilful enough to feed and dress themselves; they are able to do threading, pouring and they can use scissors. 4-7 years Physical development less rapid, however skills are becoming more refined and movements more coordinated. Ability to kick and control ball; development of fine motor skills essential for handwriting. 7-12 years Good coordination of small and large movements; growing physical skilfulness means task can be done quicker, more accurately and more confidently; neater drawing and writing; accurate cutting. Between 9 and 12 children gain even better coordination and speed in fine and gross motor skills. Around 11th year the bodies of some girls are starting to change (growing breasts) and some might start their periods. 12-16 years Gradual body changes in both girls and boys (girls physically mature quicker [around 15/ 16] than boys [around 17/18]. Fast body changes may affect spatial awareness which can become occasionally poor as a result. 16-19 years The maturing of the body is finishing with the full development of sexual organs; the body is taking a distinctive female or male shape. 023 Table 2: Intellectual and cognitive development Age range Explain the sequence and rate of development 0-3 months Quite early on babies are able to recognise the smell of their mother and her voice; later they become familiar with voices of important others and they can be calmed when they hear them; they are interested in faces. In their 3rd month babies start to differentiate between day and night (settled routine); babies become interested in mobiles and other objects around them. 3-6 months Babies are becoming interested in what is happening around them, turning their head in the direction of interest; objects are being explored by hands and mouth. 6-9 months Developing fine motor skills allow babies for a better exploration of objects by handling and touching with fingers; around 8 or 9 months babies understand object permanence (objects continue to exists even when out of sight). 9-12 months Babies are more aware of what is happening around them, they are starting to understand routines through signals (bib = food) 1-2 years Children enjoy pop-up and posting toys and in their 2nd year they are starting to have a go at simple jigsaw puzzles and building bricks. 2-4 years Children pretend play with miniature world; they more interested in books, mark making and painting. In their fourth year children are able to concentrate and focus longer on activities which which caught their interest. 4-7 years Children begin to do some simple counting and calculations, recognizing letters is followed by gradual decoding of simple words and later by reading. 7-12 years Reading and writing is becoming easier, children start reading silently to themselves. Play becomes more organized and follows rules. Development of thinking and reasoning is demonstrated through independent problem solving. 12-16 years Further development of reasoning and problem solving; children are gradually starting to understand more abstract concepts. 16-19 years Cognitive abilities are becoming further refined, leading to high level skills in young people. 023 Table 3: Communication development Age range Explain the sequence and rate of development 0-3 months To start with babies express their hunger, tiredness or other discontent through crying; around 5th/6th week babies start to coo when content; in the third month babies start smiling and reciprocate smiles. 3-6 months Babies starting to understand a little of what is being said and they are starting to give some communication signals themselves (e. g. raised arms when they want to be picked up). 6-9 months Babies become quite vocal, babbling with a differentiated tuneful string of sounds. They are also starting to understand various important key words connected with their routines (e. g. ?dinner? ). 9-12 months Babies clearly show they understand more of what is being said around them/ to them. Babbling is still main way of communication. 1-2 years First meaningful sounds/ words are beginning to emerge around 13 months, and at the end of 2nd year children might have a vocabulary of about 200 words. 2-4 years Language is becoming a powerful means of communication. From connecting two words first children are beginning gradually to build up sentences and their talking is becoming understandable even to those who are not in regular contact with the child. Even though there might be the odd mistake in the sentence structure, the language toward the end of this period is becoming fluent and children ask questions and generally enjoy expressing themselves through language. 4-7 years Children are becoming involved with written language – they are starting to learn to read and write. 7-12 years Reading and writing becomes easier now; at the beginning of this period children enjoy telling jokes to others; apart from chatting, children are beginning to be able to form a simple argument and be persuasive, they are becoming increasingly able to negotiate with others. Their writing shows more grammatical awareness as well as own imagination. 12-16 years Reading and writing skills are becoming very good and children are becoming increasingly skilful in negotiating and persuasion of others (peers and adults). 16-19 years Communication with peers is becoming very important; differentiation between formal and informal language and its use in real life is becoming more and more important; young people use different means to communicate (via phones, mobile messaging, emails, facebook, etc. ). 023 Table 4: Social, emotional and behavioural development Age range Explain the sequence and rate of development 0-3 months First social contacts are being established mainly during feeding; at the end of the first month babies start to show first smiles which then gradually become response to familiar faces. 3-6 months Babies smile and squeal with delight when playing with familiar others. 6-9 months Babies try to stay close to their primary carers and around 8 months babies may become distressed when their primary carer leaves. 9-12 months Babies are fixed on their carers and do not want to be with strangers. 1-2 years Children start notice other children around them and they show some interest in them and later start parallel play. They also start show some frustrations and tantrums as they gradually discover some boundaries. 2-4 years Children play alongside others and may start copying their actions. Around the third year children become more aware of others and their needs which also reflects in their play which is gradually starting to be more and more cooperative. Children enjoy being praised by adults. 4-7 years Developing language is helping children to form better relationships and children begin to show some preferences in friendships. 7-12 years Friendships are becoming more stable and more important and may influence decision making (if my friend is doing something I might be more likely doing it also). Gender specific play is becoming more apparent. Children start to compare themselves to others. Children enjoy being given some responsibilities. 12-16 years Friends and friendships are very important and gradually opinions from friends might feel more important that those of parents/ carers. This leads to exploration and challenge of the boundaries of relationships as well as learning to deal with disagreements, arguments, etc. There are anxieties coming from pressures from school. 16-19 years Young people enjoy being with their friends, they are finding discovering their own identity and sense of belonging to a group/ groups of specific characteristics which defines for them who they are (religious groups, sport group, goth, etc. ) 023 Table 5: Moral development Age range Explain the sequence and rate of development 0-3 months 3-6 months 6-9 months 9-12 months Children might start paying attention to â€Å"no† and might stop their behaviour for a moment. 1-2 years Children are beginning to understand â€Å"no† and they start using it themselves. 2-4 years At the beginning of this phase still no understanding what is right or wrong but children understand when they are said â€Å"No†. Later they become able to follow some simple rules. Around 4 years children are becoming thoughtful at times but most of the times will decide what to do on the basis of adult approval. 4-7 years Children are beginning to understand rules; they try to understand them, follow them and may attempt to create their own rules where no rules are given (made-up game with friends). 7-12 years Children share their knowledge of rules with others and will readily point out if someone breaks the rules. Later they are becoming more aware of behaviour consequences and they are generally becoming more thoughtful. 12-16 years Children are beginning to be aware of a bigger picture – rules of communities and societies and they are beginning to understand the need for that. 16-19 years There is a interest in moral issues, finding out that right and wrong is not always black and white. Questioning and testing of rules. A2 Answer the following questions. 1. What is the difference between ‘sequence’ of development and ‘rate’ of development? 2. Why is the difference important? (Ref 1. 2) Q1. What is the difference between a sequence of development and rate of development? Sequence of development is the order in which development occurs, e. g. children are able to sit before they learn to crawl. The order of the sequences in development are always the same (even though there might be some individual differences: babies always learn to move about before standing up and walking, but some babies bottom-shuffle instead of crawling). Rate, on the other hand, is the speed in which individuals go through the stages/ sequences of development. Most children learn to walk when they are about 12 months old. However, some babies might be ready to walk when they are 10 months old and others when they are 15 months old. Individuals might also be developing with different rate in different areas, e. g. some children might be developing quickly physically, but their speech might be delayed. These individual differences are results of genetic predispositions and other biological influences as well as environmental stimulation. Q2. Why is the difference important? Knowing the sequences of development in different areas is important for practitioners to be able to plan accordingly and therefore to support the development in individuals. The rate of the development is important in terms of recognizing any atypical development and recommending/ searching any additional interventions when needed. TASK B Complete table; Research and report B1 Complete a table as shown on the following page, identifying the different personal and external factors that influence children and young people’s development. (Ref 2. 1, 2. 2) B2 Produce a report to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of differing theories of development. This report should identify how these theories have influenced current practice and include the following: Cognitive (e. g. Piaget) Psychoanalytic (e. g. Freud) Humanist (e. g. Maslow) Social learning (e. g. Bandura) Operant conditioning (e. g. Skinner) Behaviourist (e. g. Watson) Social pedagogy. Over the years there have been many theories trying to explain certain aspects of development, behaviour, learning, etc. In the following text we will look at the most influential theories which are being used by practitioners in better understanding as well as day to day work with children and young people. After a brief description of how an individual theory was founded, we will discuss the key points for work at nurseries. Theory of cognitive development (Constructivist approach) Theory of cognitive development is connected with the name of Jean Piaget (1896-1980) who through work on intelligence tests started to notice how children at same stages make very similar mistakes in their tasks and problem solving approaches. Piaget then closely observed his own children, capturing their development in details and later using these observations to create a theory of cognitive development. Piaget considered children as active learners who create ? schemas? (believes) about the world based on their experiences. This is how they make sense about what is happening around them. However, a child? s schemas are going to be challanged time to time by new and unexpected experiences and as a result existing schema will have to adapted to fit these in (e. g. touching something hot will alter the notion that everything is safe to touch and child will learn that certain objects can hurt when being touched). Piaget? s theory influenced the practice by having a ? child-centred? approach. In our setting, for example, we make regular observations on what our children are interested in and what they like to play/ do. After careful evaluations and identifications of possible next steps of development we plan activities which as well as reflecting children? s interest also further challenge them to encourage the development. Psychoanalytic theory of personality Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) suggested that every personality has got three parts to it – id, ego and superego. We all are born with id, which is the part of our personality that is driven by our desires and reflects in pleasure-seeking behaviour. Id is selfish and passionate and it is purely after satisfying its needs, known as ? gratification?. However, through social contact and learning babies/children gradually learn to be aware of the outside world and eventually of needs of others. They will be developing ego, which is able to plan the actions so the needs of the individual can still be met but in more socially desired way, e. g. ability to wait for once turn when the food is being served at pre-school settings. This is called ? differed gratification?. Later, as a result of further parenting and learning about social and cultural values, the superego is developed. Superego could be described as an internalised parent as the child is starting to be aware of what is good and what is bad without external reminder – e. g. I must not hit because it hurts. If the behaviour trespasses the imperatives of the superego, the individual will feel guilt as they are now aware that their behaviour was bad (this is referred as ? conscience? ). Apart from judging conscience, superego has got a notion of an ego-ideal to which it will strive. When ego demonstrates good behaviour the ego-ideal part of superego will reward this, e. g. feeling good after doing something for someone else even when external praise is not present. Even though Freud has been criticised for basing his description and explanations of development on sexual motives, some of his theoretical concepts are now widely accepted (e. g. the concept of unconscious mind – id and most of superego). One could say that orientation on children? s needs might be partly inspired by Freud? s ideas about the dynamics of id, ego and superego. Too strong superego and suppressed unconscious id will lead to many problems in adult life, where individual tries to live mainly by what is required by the outside world rather than allowing themselves to follow own desires. In early years healthy development of ego can be supported by putting the child and their needs in the centre of our attention; activities and work with children is individualized and child-led, yet still well planned and safe. For example, in our setting we might notice that a particular child enjoys opening and closing doors, gates, etc. Instead of completely discouraging him from doing that we might identify situations when it might be appropriate for him/her to do so and explain the necessary things around it in a child-friendly way (e. g. : When everybody has got their shoes on, you can open the door, Henry. , We will keep the gate closed now, because we are going to play in the yard now. , Mind your fingers when closing the door – you could close them in and that would really hurt. , etc. ). If we say ? no? to children it is good to make sure that the child knows about the reasons behind our decisions (even though they might find it hard initially anyway, they are more likely to come round and understand it in their own time). Humanistic theory of motivation and personality – Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) Maslow studied motivation in people and came up with what is now known as Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow divided the needs into five categories (physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualisation) and put them in hierarchical order from the most essential and basic needs to higher-order needs. Maslow argues that it is necessary to fulfil the needs from from the bottom of the hierarchy first to be able to meet the needs of higher order. Only when all the other lower needs are met, an individual can focus on fulfilling the highest needs of self-actualisation, such as creativity, problem solving, morality, etc. In our practice we are aware, that when a child is for example overtired and hungry (the most basic physiological needs), there is no space to try to fit in other things, e. g. ?wait for your turn? , ? say please? ,†¦. (which would be working on their higher order needs, such as love/belonging (friendship) or esteem (respect for others, respect by others). This child at that stage needs to be fed and put to sleep as soon as possible and other input has to wait until the child is again able to tune to it/ receive it. Social cognitive theory Social cognitive theory has its roots in behaviouristic approach. However, Albert Bandura (born 1925), even though accepting learning by conditioning, argued that lots of learning happens through social observations (? observational learning? ). Observational learning is when children copy what other children or adults do; in comparison to conditioning, observational learning happens spontaneously and often without the need for reinforcement. Cognitive abilities seem to play an important role in observational learning as children need to be capable to notice the activity itself as well as remember it accurately. As staff we need to be mindful in the way we act and interact in front of children as they are likely to copy our behaviour. In accordance with the social cognitive theory we try to set good examples to the children in our settings by showing good manners and being courteous to them as well as to one another. Behaviourist approach to learning – operant conditioning Operant conditioning is based on classical conditioning (I. P. Pavlov; J. B. Watson), which teaches that certain behaviour/ reaction can be connected with a stimulus through conditioning, e. g. fear of cats after a bad experience with a cat. F. B. Skinner (1904-1990) however took this a bit further and through experiments mainly with pigeons and rats showed that learning can be strengthen by reinforcements, such as positive reinforcement (praise, sticker, attention, etc. ), negative reinforcement (this is removing something which is negative from the situation so it no longer poses a ? threat? or causes negative emotions and the whole experience becomes more positive, e. g. child does want to play with a toy because it is scared of the noises it makes – by switching the sound off, the child is able to explore the toy) and punishers (negative consequence which is likely to prevent individuals to repeat their behaviour – e. g. touching hot iron). Skinner researched most effective ways to retain the learnt behaviour and he found out that even though continuous positive reinforcement is good at the beginning of the learning, later unpredictable positive reinforcement keeps the learnt behaviour in place for longer period of time. This is because even though the reward comes frequently, we are not sure when it is going to come next and therefore we keep doing the behaviour. At our setting we might be using operant conditioning for example when we are helping a child to potty train. First every sitting on the potty, regardless of results will be rewarded. When the child gets into the habit of sitting on the potty, then only successful potty session will be rewarded with a sticker (however praise for trying when unsuccessful remains). When starting to do regularly this stickers might gradually become praise and sticker will be awarded if the child successfully asks for potty when they need it. Behaviourist approach to learning – Classical conditioning J. B. Watson (1878 – 1958) followed I. P. Pavlov? s work on classical conditioning with animals (dogs salivating when food arrived became then salivating even at the mere sight of the bowl; Pavlov took this further by conditioning completely unrelated food stimulus, such as bell or light, which after regular presence at the mealtimes would later on its own initiate the salivating response in dogs). Watson showed that classical conditioning is possible in humans as well (famous Little Albert experiment, where a baby was conditioned to have fear of rats). Classical conditioning is not really used in practice as a active way of teaching, however its theory can be used for observational purposes (e. g. recognising when sucking thumb signals hunger etc. ). Social pedagogy Social pedagogy is a discipline which brings together theory and practice in order to assure the best and holistic way of supporting children in their development and education. The overall aim of social pedagogy is to give children and young people the best possible chances for their future lives. In accordance with social pedagogy the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) has been devised to capture the development in early years and to help professionals to monitor, plan and support effectively individual development. For better and focused understanding the development has been divided into seven areas, out of which three are recognised as prime areas (Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication and Language; Physical Development) and four are described as specific areas of development (Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World; Expressive Arts and Design). The support the professionals can provide is differentiated into helpful advice in positive relationship and suggestions for enabling environments. In EYFS we can see influence of Piaget? s work in enabling environments where the focus is predominantly on individual? s own experience. We can also strongly identify the theory of ? zone of proximal development? by Vygotsky (cognitive development) in EYFS as we can easily identify where children are in their development, what is the next developmental stage for them and how we can support this next step. 023 Personal and external factors influencing development B3 Personal Factors: Give ONE explanation of a positive influence on the development of children and young people Health status: given by genetic predispositions as well as environmental factors, such as diet, pollution, stress, etc. If obesity is genetically passed on in the family than healthy diet together with developing positive attitude towards regular exercise will help the child to maintain a good health. Disability: Physical impairment, such as missing or underdeveloped limb Wheel chair together with barrier free environment (e. g. lifts, ramps, low sinks, etc. ) will help to support independence of an individual. Sensory impairment: visual impairments, hearing impairments, death-blindness, When working with individuals with visual impairment, we can use the other senses to compensate and provide necessary stimulation which helps the development, e. g. using special toys/ learning material which uses touch and sound as a mean of gaining information. However, if there is some vision left (which usually there is), the environment can be adjusted by using contrast colours, non-reflective material, good lighting, etc. Learning difficulties: Dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dysortographia, ADHD, ADD Children with ADHD benefit from having a regular routine. Activities needs to be short and well planned with simple and easy to follow instructions. Hands-on activities with regular physical exercise and lots of praise are essential. External Factors: Poverty and deprivation: poor diet, inadequate housing, lack of education, lack of access to play and leisure, low aspirations and expectations Good education can help the individual to break from the poverty and secure them a better brighter future. Family environment/background: neglecting parents, abusive parents, parents with alcohol or other drug-taking problems, ill parents who are not able to provide adequate environment for their children, etc. Parents who are ill and no longer able to fully provide for their children could be provided with carers who would help with the overall smooth running of the household, caring for needs of the disabled parent and the needs of the children, while keeping the family itself together. Personal choices: from certain age children/ young people make some decisions for themselves which can have effect on their development, e. g. taking drugs, changing their diet, etc. To help to prevent drug-taking it is important to support the development of a positive self-image and healthy self-esteem; education and raising awareness of dangers of drug-abuse is also a helpful preventative measure. Looked after/care status: children in residential care, in foster families, in their own family but having care status (they are the responsibility of local authorities). If children are being fostered it is beneficial if siblings can stay together. Education: Educational system, through family itself, through other groups (religious groups, sport groups, hobbies and interests, etc. ) Finding out strengths of an individual (which do not have to necessarily academic) and building upon those to build a healthy self-esteem and recognition of self-worth – this can help to compe with other weaker areas in a positive way. 023 Task C Report Produce a short report in the form of an induction pack for new staff at a setting, covering the following. a. Give two examples of assessment methods that could be used to monitor a child/young person’s development. (Ref 3. 1) b. Give three examples of why sometimes child/young person’s development does not follow the expected pattern. (Ref 3. 2) c. Give one explanation of how disability can impact and affect development. (Ref 3. 3) d. Give three examples of different types of intervention that could promote positive outcomes for the child/young person, where development is not following the expected pattern. (Ref 3. 4) a. In our setting we use several assessment methods to monitor our children? s development. The most used one is a short free description on sticky labels – these capture a specific short observation in a specific area of development (e. g. Physical Development); the date and the identified area/ areas get recorded on the label. This method of recording information is useful for gathering evidence of the progress of development in specific areas and building a developmental profile of an individual child. We also use specific observation sheets, on which we capture a more detailed and complex observation. In the next section on the sheet the observation is evaluated and areas of the development are identified (often more than one). In the last section we identify the next steps for the child and how we can help the child to achieve that. We have two types of observation sheets in our settings following this format – one is purely written observation, the other one is a photo observation sheet. This method of recording and evaluation allows us not only to add to the developmental profile of each child but also to plan effectively to further support the child? s development. b. There are many possible reason why at times the development might not follow the expected pattern. Apart from the most obvious ones, such as disabilities and special learning needs, the development can get affected by external factors, such as environmental reasons, cultural reasons, social reasons; and specific individual reasons, such as emotional reasons, physical reasons and communication difficulties. Environmental reasons: Among environmental reasons which may affect child? s development is for example where and in what conditions a child lives and what type of school they attend. Social reasons: There might be big differences between children in terms of wealth of their families, family status and family structure (big family with strong bonds in comparison to divorced parents with negative mutual relationship), education of parents as well as their ability to tune themselves to the needs of their children – all of these will affect the way children will be developing. Communication skills: Slower developing communication skills have got potential to negatively influence the development in other areas. The inability to effectively express themselves may result in frustrations in children and aggressive behaviour as well as consequently lower literacy skills. Similar effects can be observed in children whose families? language is not the dominant language of the country. If the dominant language is not fully acquired the child may significantly struggle once at school. c. Disability can affect more than one area of development as children can become frustrated and their self-esteem can be lowered. The attitudes of low expectations and stereotyping by others will also have a secondary negative impact on a child? s development. d. There are several ways how difficulties in development can be recognised, monitored and positively supported. Educational establishments will have appointed SENCO, a person who is responsible for identification and organising further support for children with special needs. If appropriate Educational psychologist will be contacted to make a full assessment and recommendations in how to support individuals in education (behavioural problems and learning difficulties). Suggested interventions may be discussed with parents and with learning support assistants and individual educational plan might be written up and followed. If there are any issues with speech and communication, Speech and language therapist will be consulted – the outcomes of the assessment will lead to a specific plan of action, often involving regular contact in which special exercises will be explained, practised and taught to children and their parents/carers/other professionals for them to be able to support the children outside the sessions. If a child? s physical development is affected, physiotherapist can provide help with special exercises and massages to aid the physical development, maximize the range of movement and develop the appropriate movement control. Task D Report Produce a report which explains the following: a. Why is early identification of speech, language or communication delay important for a child/young person’s well-being? (Ref 4. 1) b. What are the potential risks for the child/young person’s well-being if any speech, language or communication delay is not identified early? (Ref 4. 1) c. Analyse the importance of early identification of the potential risks of late recognition to speech, language and communication delays and disorders. (Ref 4. 1) d. Who might be involved in a multi-agency team to support a child/young person’s speech, language and communication development? (Ref 4. 2) e. How, when and why would a multi-agency approach be applied? (Ref 4. 3) f. Give four different examples of play opportunities and describe how you would put them into practice to support the development of a child/young person’s speech, language and communication. (Ref 4. 3) a. Early identification of the language and communication difficulties is important as it can support the development to prevent further (secondary) impact on other areas. Also, as the brains in young children have not finished their development, the earlier we can intervene, the better prospects of success we have. b. Problems in language and communication can have a negative effect on other areas of development, such as cognitive and social development. Children with language and communication difficulties are more likely to struggle at school in learning to read and write, which can have further negative impact not only on other subjects but more importantly on their self-esteem. Children with such problems can become gradually isolated. c. Early identification of the potential risks of late recognition to speech, language and communication delays and disorders is very important in terms of putting the most appropriate interventions in place to support the development and benefit the children? s needs. Well timed and well tailored intervention has got the potential to optimize the development and to minimize potential negative impact for other areas of development. d. In the multi-agency team to support the child with speech, language and communication there will be the child? s GP or a health visitor, who will make a referral to a speech and language specialist. If there is a suspicion that the communication difficulties are connected with learning difficulties Educational Psychologist will be consulted. When it is decided on the type of intervention needed, the parents, the educational setting professionals and the rest of the team should work together in order to implement the chosen intervention in order to meet the needs of the child. e. Multi-agency approach is used when parents and/ or other professionals (such as GP, early years settings, etc. ) have recognised that a child is in need of additional help to aid the development. Different professionals are involved in the assessment of the needs (e. g. GP to assess potential hearing or other impairments) and speech and language therapist devises the best possible individual support. Multi-agency approach brings together different fields of expertise to assure the best possible outcome for the child. f. There are many informal opportunities how children? s communication and language development can be supported. These might often be more effective than formal exercises as they naturally meet the child in they world of play, making it more motivating and fun. Nursery rhymes and songs – Children enjoy joining in nursery rhymes and songs. These are short and memorable and their rhythmical pattern make them perfect little exercises for developing language, pronunciation and fluency (good practice when dealing with stutter). Books are perfect for developing passive and active vocabulary, understanding meaning of words and learning correct sentence structure informally. Books are a wonderful way to spark children? s imagination as well as teaching them to express themselves about the world around them by providing the relevant vocabulary. Pictures in books make it possible for children from the earliest age to actively engage with the story as well as to engage in a dialogue with another person. Dressing up and role play again helps the child in an informal way to engage in talking and communication with others whilst enjoying the imaginative play. Puppets are a fantastic way how to involve children in communication through play. Children are fascinated by puppets and enjoy adults taking active part in their play, which again allows for an opportunity to develop language and communication in a fun way. 023 Task E Complete table Complete the table on the next page, showing how the different types of transitions can affect children and young people’s development and evaluate how having positive relationships during this period of transition would be of benefit. Additional Guidance Different types are: a. Emotional, affected by personal experience, e. g. bereavement, entering/leaving care. b. Physical, e. g. moving to a new educational establishment, a new home/locality, from one activity to another. c. Physiological e. g. puberty, long-term medical conditions. d. Intellectual, e. g. moving from pre-school to primary, to post-primary. (Ref 5. 1, 5. 2) Give ONE specific example of a transition Give ONE possible effect on children and young people’s development Evaluate the benefit of a positive relationship during this period of transition ~ provide ONE example Emotional: Bereavement Depression which may affect sleep pattern, children may become lethargic and less interested in engaging in any activities which may affect they social, emotional and cognitive development Positive relationship with open communication and listening skills allows for a child to ask difficult questions and share their worries and sadness, to talk over difficult memories and anxieties about the future. This may help with overcoming the past and the sadness. Physical: Moving home Moving home may effect the children social development as they may lose previous friends and find themselves unable to fit in new friendship groups. Some children might start having food issues, such as overeating to deal with anxieties. This can affect their emotional, social and physical development. Positive relation can provide a helping hand with dealing with the new situation while supporting the self-esteem and encouraging the confidence in a young person. Positive relationship can also act as model of skills of how to establish a new relationship. Physiological: Gaining a physical disability – e. g. lost limb Withdrawal – children may become very solitary, unable and unwilling to join in with their peers, which can affect their physical, emotional, social as well as cognitive development. Positive relationship will communicate acceptance and healthy support in dealing with a life-changing situation; this should help in dealing with difficulties as they come Intellectual: Moving from pre-school to primary school Lack of concentration and motivation as the child might feel overwhelmed by new routines and new demands which they might find very difficult – this may affect their natural cognitive development and they might regress into safer younger stage of development. Positive relationship will allow for a child to feel safe, valued and as achieving (in their own pace) by identifying the appropriate approach of working with the child with the sensitivity to their specific needs and pace of development.