Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Why the Quran was written in Arabic Research Proposal

Why the Quran was written in Arabic - Research Proposal Example If a person set a target of ten words to learn in a day, it would only take them7 months to learn the Quran. The Quran is believed to have been written in Arabic; the language that was first revealed to the prophet through the angels. As evident from the Holy Quran Chapter 14 verse 4 states â€Å"And we never sent a messenger save with the language of his nation, that he might make (our revealed message) clear for them†. 2Arabic was regarded as the language of the prophet and that of his people and thus the best way to convey a message to the chosen people would be through the language most used by the people. Arabic was the language of the last messenger of Allah, Muhammad. Some scholars see no religious inclination there as they felt it was only natural for an Arab to write exclusively in his native language.3 It would make no sense for the Holy Quran to be inscribed in any other language for the use by the Arabs. The Quran is not written by the Prophet nor was it his invention but was dictated to him by the spirit and angel of Allah. It is important for Muslim faithful’s to accept that it was through the miracle of Angel Gabriel revealing God’s word to the prophet that the Quran came to existence. This project is imperative in this day and age. It is important to iron out this issue once and for all to help improve cohesiveness and unity between practicing faithful’s of different religions. Many people who do not understand the Arabic language- those who cannot speak or read it feel left out from the teachings of the Quran, and thus the major significance of this project will be to help them understand the truth behind the choice of language. To remove all doubt that the Quran is the message from God Allah the most high and not the writings of his messenger prophet Muhammad will also help all skeptics; Muslims

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Economics for Business and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Economics for Business and Management - Essay Example As we know that resources are scarce and wants are unlimited, so there are alternatives uses of the resources available with us. Therefore there has to be a way to make the most efficient allocation of resources, where the largest number of wants is satisfied (Glossary, 2011). Some of the most common ways of allocating resources include Command economy Free market economy Mixed economy Free market or pure market economy refers to capitalist economy where the resources for production of goods and services are allocated by market price, which is determined by market forces of demand and supply. Command economy is one in which resources are allocated by a central authority, and the good of maximum number of people is looked for. Mixed economy is a combination of both pure market and command economy. In it there is private as well as public sector, the private sector comprises of individuals who are free to allocate resources anywhere they want as long as they have the financial strength to do so, whereas the public sector comprises of government control over the economy to an extent. Demand refers to the quantity of goods or service that consumers desire to have at a given price. The law of demand says that as price of a product goes up, its quantity demanded falls, with other things held constant. The reason for it is that as the price goes up the opportunity cost of buying it also rises so people are willing to forgo its consumption and look for alternatives. The graph below shows